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Teens around the globe!

Thu Oct 28, 2004 2:10 am

Hi, I'm new around these here parts, so I'm not quite sure how these forums work. Anyways.... I was hoping that you guys could help me with something! I'm working on an article for Journalism about Teens around the world. Except it's really hard to find a lot of info that would make for a good article! So if you're a teenager that lives anywhere other than the US or Canada, or at least know some interesting facts about a particular country, please please PLEASE tell me some interesting facts about how you and your friends live and/or about your country.

Some things that I'm looking for are:
What is popular (aka, fads)?
What do you do for fun?
What's school like (does everyone go to a school that has uniforms, etc)? What foods do you eat?
What kind of delicacies are there?
What's the weather like?
What kind of music does everyone listen (or the majority)/ what bands are popular?
What do you wear?

If you have any other info that you'd like to share, please do, since it would be really appreciated. Thank you everyone! *hugs*

P.S. I realize that I posted something similar before, but I realized that I wasn't very specific! So I really hope this helps!

Thu Oct 28, 2004 3:10 am

Because the other thread already has plenty of replies, I'm going to lock this one, and just edit your post here into your first thread.

You may want to check out the EYNTK board to learn about how the firum works ;P
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