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Present for boyfriend

Sun Oct 31, 2004 7:32 pm

Hi there, fellow PPT-ers. I need help! :)

My boyfriend and I will be together for a year tomorrow. What do I give him? He always comes up with the greatest, most original things, and leaves me ashamed... :oops:

He's 26. What would he want? With what could I really surprise him?


Sun Oct 31, 2004 7:52 pm

What are his hobbies? What kind of music does he like?

Sun Oct 31, 2004 7:57 pm

The best advice I ever received about gift giving of any kind is this.

Think about something that he/she doesn't have, and that they don't even know they need, but could really use.

For example, I had a guy friend once who was always late, hated watches because they made his wrists sweat to much soe would never wear one and hardly ever knew what time it was. So, for his birthday, I got him a watch that he could clip to a belt loop on his blue jeans. He thought it was awesome, he hadn't thought about getting a watch like that. Try and think outside the box, there are more than one way to skin a cat...and more than one way to wear a watch lol.

Sun Oct 31, 2004 9:15 pm

Think about something that would instantly make him think of you, for example if you went to the cinema, get him the dvd. Or if you both like a band buy him the cd. Or if you had a really cheesy date somewhere go back there and buy a souvenier (spelling!) Or get loads of photos of you and him together and make a scrap book you could decorate it yourself and stick in tickets and stuff (if you have any)

If all else fails, visit the gadget shop, blokes love gadgetty things!!

Sun Oct 31, 2004 10:16 pm

Thanks for the tips!

He loves music (rock and metal) and dvd's. But I want to give him something more special than a dvd (he has over a 150 already). But your tips got me thinking...

Well, it's bedtime here, so I know what I'll be thinking of when I can't fall asleep.

Thanks again!

Mon Nov 01, 2004 2:59 am

I made a nice dinner (I'm not too much of a chef but I slaved and tried) for one of my anniversaries with my boyfriend, he seemed to really like it.

Another idea would be maybe just something like a pictuer of the two of you? Some sort of keepsake.

Mon Nov 01, 2004 9:37 am

Maybe my suggestion comes in a bit too late, but I have always thought it would be fun to see that a girl would give her boyfriend a large bouquet of red roses, a box of chocolates and then take her boyfriend out to dinner :D

And then of course some other gift on the side, which I can't think of any suggestions for at the moment :P

Mon Nov 01, 2004 9:44 am

my boyfriend is always making me things (paintings, sculptures, drawings), so i decided to make him something. he likes comics, so i bought some sculpty and made magnets with superhero insignia on them.

magnets are a cute, personalized gift. beware, though. making them took much longer than i thought it would.
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