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Mermaid Hil's Going Away Party!

Sat Nov 20, 2004 5:44 pm

Welcome to MH's going away party! Even though I don't/didn't know her that well, we all know how great she is! So let's all get out on the floor and start dancin'! There's punch bowls on the left side of the room, and food in the back. And I even got a DJ to pump the tunes! Let's give MH the best Going-Away-Party she's ever had, okay? Oh, and if you wanna get in, you have to say something good about MH. :D

Mermaid Hil is a really cool, caring person, who never lets anybody down. She'll always lend a hand, and even if she doesn't have time to help somebody in need, she makes time. She's a miracle worker in many cases, and even if she hasn't helped me in my short time of being here, I've learned that Mermaid Hil is a really cool person and that we're all going to miss her.

*starts to jam to the music, while blowing her nose into a tissue.*

Sat Nov 20, 2004 5:53 pm

There's already a topic about Mermaid Hil leaving here:

Also, 'parties' aren't allowed unless there's a point to them. If you really wanted to have a 'party', and it hs relevance to something (like Neopet's birthday) it should go in No Nutritional Value.

EDIT: I'm not saying that Mermaid Hil's departure isn't relevant, I just don't see why there needs to be another topic for it.
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