Xil wrote:
honestly, there pretty similar.
Fame and fortune doesn't do it for me. The only reason I might want fame is if I was a genius. I'm not. The only reason I might want more money than is good for me is so that I can make the money grow and then donate it all to charity when I die. Otherwise, being able to support myself fairly well is enough for me. Instead of fame and fortune, I'd rather know that I am constantly improving and am being a good person. If, as a by-product of being a good, sensible person, I get acknowledgement and wealth (which I see as different to fame and fortune), that would be nice, but I'm honestly not thinking about these things when I do something.
I write simply because I love it and want to improve for its own sake. I don't write because I want people to say I did a good job. If I personally feel it was good, I'd like someone to give an honest opinion, be it good or bad. An acknowledgement is a mark of my personal achievement and that's as far as it really goes. If I were rich it would be a mark of how hard I've been working and saving and would be a mark of my personal achievement as well. The real mark of my personal achievement is how I feel about it -- and no other mark matters quite so much. The other, smaller marks like acknowledgement and wealth just add up to maximise my happiness.
The world doesn't know when I fail and when I succeed. The world doesn't care if I fall and doesn't see if I get up. I know and care and see all that. It matters to me, not the world, and I don't want it to matter to the world.