Paul wrote:
ahoteinrun wrote:
Paul wrote:
ahoteinrun wrote:
According to veterans affairs there are only 5 WW1 vets left alive in Canada. They said on the TV that there may indeed be a few more, but they've lost touch with them for who knows what reasons.
Thats strange. When I first started watching the ceremony with my parents there were a couple hundred.
There's 27 in total, overrall.
Is that in Canada? Did CBC lie to me? (well their coverage of the ceremonies also cut out, so it's not like I can trust them)
No, America, Britain, Canada, and the other nations too.
Ten of which are English.
Its almost hard to believe;
Twent-seven survivors of the first world war remain.
Still, against my expectations my class observed the minutes silence (truth be told it was closer to 90 seconds)
Might build a memorial
Probably a little... weirder, than the usual one, but hey, i will be respecting their sacrafice in my own way.