Ginger Harp Seal Pup wrote:
WIS wrote:
Jens wrote:
to quote the, in my opinion, awesome movie "Contact":
I high five you. You are awsome.
But yes, I do believe they exist... But here's a thought... What if they were shaped like rocks and never moved? :O
That leads to another question. What if rocks are actually living creatures? We throw em', we hit people we don't like with them, we tread on them, in my brother's case we eat them (he really did used to eat rocks when he was younger), we do loads of things that would be considered downright cruel if done to an animal, but these poor rocks could in fact be animals themselves! I will never abuse a rock again. Never.
You just hit upon the Gaia theory there
Basicly the theory is that the planets themselves, and maybe even stars, are alive, but their plans are so far reaching that we just see them as random acts (Earthquakes etc)
Only example of this I could find in fiction was Games Workshops C'Tan.
Just hope that Sol isnt like a C'tan.
Spiralethe wrote:
... because the way we know life is the end all and be all? The only way?
There are plenty of things in this vast universe that we haven't even begun to understand (including our own planet).
I'm sure aliens exist, but if they exist in a form that we would understand, I don't know. Like I said, even if they are like the aliens we imagine them to be, it doesn't mean they're advanced enough to visit us. And even if they are, why would they want to? What if they have better things to do? Or they've already made contact with other aliens elsewhere? Who knows.
Unfortunetly thats the swizz.
They may already be here.
Just our minds are too freaked out by it that we refuse to accept their existance.
In which case we may never meet them anyway.