Paul wrote:
I can't believe no one has mentioned this yet: Heads Down Thumbs Up. We used to play it all the time. Usually works good for about 30-40 people, but you really need tables, but I suppose you could it without.
The way you play it, you pick 5-8 people and then everyone else has to close their eyes and put their heads down, yep, you guessed it, with their thumbs up. Then, the 5-8 people chosen will go and squeeze someones thumb, so 5-8 people have had their thumbs squeezed. Then they return to the front and the game-leader tells the people who had their thumbs squeezed to stand up. They then guess who squeezed their thumb, if they guess wrong, they sit down. If they guess correctly, the person who squeezed their thumb and the person who guessed correctly stands up to do it.
Over here, we call that Heads Up, Seven Up (because we do 7 people instead of 5-8). But yeah, I recently worked at a day camp and we played that with the kids... good game.