Kugetsu wrote:
mayanspypilot wrote:
I'm going to disagree with you on this. I know a lot of problem children and the parents don't give a crap at all about their child's behavior. The child's behavior is always blamed on someone else. The parents take no responsibility for their child's behavior.
Some problem children you know =/= problem children in general. Most parents
do try to help their children. Deadbeat parents are a great minority.
The mother called the police, would she have done this if she wasn't trying to discipline him? That likely means that she does care about him and probably has tried other methods as well, since she reacted in such a way to something that would usually be trivial (and even stated that she's trying to help him, and that he needs it...)
As I said before, the police have BETTER things to do.
"There's a building on fire, but WAIT, a boy opened his Christmas present early? TO THE POLICE CAR!"
The time used to "scaring" this boy could've been spent elsewhere; if he actually committed a crime, sure, call the cops, throw him in jail for all I care. But this isn't a crime in which he actually hurt someone, he disobeyed the rules.
Everyone's making it sound like he hit his grandmother with the present with all these "Good show mother" comments.
I'm sorry if this sounds a bit harsh, I just don't like seeing the police being abused like this, it's ridiculous and wrong. There are far too many crimes to solve rather than spending time on a stupid discipline problem which should've been fixed years ago.