Depend on who I am with and it has changed over the years.
Olden days: Christmas at the grandparents' house (dad's side). Everyone would open presents in order from oldest to youngest. I would go last since I was the youngest.
Grade - High School: Christmas at with either family. We would do the usual present thing with dad's before we just spend the day playing with the gifts. With mom, we go to one of the fam's house and have a small party with a break for presents before dinner and present play after dinner. We normally open immediate family gifts before the extended family session.
Now: I have gone to mom's fam every year since I moved away. If it is at Mary's house (which is often), we do the presnet thing and dinner. If at Bob's house, we don't do the presents, but still give gifts, then have dinner.
X-mas related activities:
Drive around and view lights (both parents, but mostly mom) [go to LB and hit the streets around the traffic circle off Bellflower for one of the best light shows], lights! (esp dad), play with the home Nativity, read various 'Twas the Night Before Christmas' versions (Cajun version is my fave), dress the cats up in wrapping (mom), dress the dogs up in wrapping (dad), newspaper wrapping paper! (dad actually had wrapping paper produced by the local newspaper. The jokes that year were killer), [most importantly] Christmas movies and shows out the wazoo!
Santa Tracker is also great!
One last thing I do: set the digital radio to the Christmas song channel and just jam for countless hours
Set by Cukupan
Ohayo Nippon every Sunday at
LWI *heart* R
I'm on a boat like a boss