What shenanigans and toomfoolery did you lot endure or cause for April Fool's day? Or do you know of something someone else did? I did mostly tame stuff this year, drew smiley faces on some oranges and kiwis, switched the cereal around in their boxes, and
this awesome banana trick. Didn't have much done to me though, apart from my little sister's "OH LOOK THERE'S AN ELEPHANT BEHIND YOU. NO, FOR REAL. HAHA, FOOLED YOU!"-type stuff. I
totally fell for it.
I know a dude who hung every single one of his brother's socks on a tree in the garden of their neighbour. At least the neighbour found it funny and wasn't angry with him, but let's say... his brother was not a happy bunny, especially since it rained.
I don't exist. omo