PAH. I'll post anyway.
Aloe Vera. Enough said
Burn cream.
Soya sauce. I heard from my mum that it would work and hopefully no water bubble will come out. Unfortunately I don't like my finger smelling like soya sauce.
If you have a bubble:
Sterilize a needle (by burning it) and poke it (or jus make an opening) to let the water out. Get some alcohol (just a LITTLE) and some Salvalon or something to tend your wound. Before you make an opening, put a little alcohol on a cotton ball (puff ball) and then make the opening. Immediately squidge out the water using the puff ball and when the water is all out, cleanse your wound and put some Salvalon/cream/whatever and stick plaster on it
. It doesn't hurt, if that's the part you're worrying about.