I really don't know how to put this.
I'm leaving, kinda.
Yes after a year, Ali needs to go back to real life. I've been having some problems with school work, and I can't have PinkPT being in the way for me. My life here is important to me, but real life, the one with grades that really need to go up, is the one that needs to have priority right now.The only places I will continue to be regular at are the Gnome Legion ,BBTM, and my set contest.. I might sneak on a few times, but RL is much more important.
Now, for my final good byes.
Dm- You have been a dear friend to me. I've had fun with the clone hunters, and yes, I would like to keep my title, as I might be back in happier times.
Dawn- You've been a fab, active person, and have a lot of talent in leadership. I'll miss you.
..Alex- I'll still look at your LJ. See ya around.
White Wolf-I'll see you on LJ if I ever have time to make a new entry.
Chris- Yes, this is still you. Your a funny person, but I'll most likely see you on LJ also.
Starchaser- You've been a fab person since I met you. Your a great mod, a set maker, and mange to balance school and PinkPT. Kudos to your.
Zero-I'll miss you and you hyper activeness. Your such a fun person
Anubis-Had fun RPing with you a while ago, and I still like seeing you.
Fm-Where have you gone? I miss seeing you on the RP boards, and I'll miss you now.
Amy-I spent a lot of time with you on the RP boards, and while I don't see you as much, I always had fun with you roleplays.
Chromey- You probably won't see this, but, thank you. To learn more about the darker side of neopia and to meet you is why I joined. Thanks for a wonderful year.
Puck-Don't leave because I did. Carry on with your PinkPT life. I'm still in RL for you, any how.
Bye everyone! Remember, if a happier time comes, I'll be back! Note that I'll be around this evening as I don't have school tomorrow.
Lovely set by the equally lovely Silja!