Okay, I'm copying this directly from my LJ:
Okay, I'm most likely getting my hair cut on Tuesday (possibly Wednesday). The original plan was to steal
Holly's hair cut, blondeness and all. But see, my brown roots have grown in significantly, and once cut, it'll be almost completely blonde.
The original plan was to have it bleached when I get it cut. But I just realized how much they'd overcharge me for that. So. I decided I could just dye it blonde myself (like I'd done before).
But I started thinking... this opens up more possibilities to me. I'm gonna have a clean slate to work with. I can pretty much dye it any colour I want.
Which is why I'm making a poll =O
Now, if I have it blonde, I can basically put any temporary colour over it that I want, blue, purple, pink, whatever. But knowing me, I'm gonna be too lazy to bother anyway.
Plus, when you have short, naturally dark hair, and you're dying it blonde, when your roots come in, they're really noticable. So that takes effort too.
The shades I had in mind for the reds, are these:
coppery red,
burgundy red. That's my actual hair in those photos, by the way. The burgundy was dyed over my natural hair colour, so if I get the same brand, I know I'll get the same results, the copper was dyed over the burgundy (which is actually darker than my natural brown) so I think it'd be even richer over my natural hair colour than it was there.
The pros of either shade, is that I already know how they'd look on me, and they'd be a lot less hassle than blonde. But with blonde, I could do funky colours, plus I really like how the blonde looks.
There's also the possibility of brown, either just my natural, or dyed a slightly richer shade.
So, the whole point of this poll, what do you guys think I should do?