paola wrote:
Do you know how difficult it is for people to apply for immigration papers and go through that process? My aunt's been here for about 15 years and has yet been able to do anything to bring her daughter here. Also, when you're 30+ it's not always so easy to learn a new language. Most (illegal) immigrants don't have the resources. And no immigrant is expecting Americans to learn Spanish. It's just a translation, not a big deal.
Well your aunt's situation is a little strange, imo. If she could get citizenship legally then why couldn't her daughter? Besides merely wanting to be in America no one is FORCING them to come here and I'm sure that whether they are legally or otherwise entering the country they all have the same resources for learning English. The fact that it is a translation into Spanish during this time in our history is unfortunate because of so much other controversy involving illegal immigration and dismisses the issue.
paola wrote:
So someone can't show pride for their country? Just because a person moves to America does not mean that they should have to give up their culture and ideals. It's okay to be proud of something you love. And just because you carry around a flag from your native country does not mean that you can't have loyalty towards America. Are you seriously suggesting that by displaying a Dominican flag I'm being disloyal? Even if they are trying to fight for citizenship doesn't mean that they can't still remember the countries they came from.
Well we aren't exactly having issues with the Dominicans are we? If you were waving the flag of Afghanistan or Cuba then you might be considered to be acting unpatriotic wouldn't you?
paola wrote:
Most of the people who don't have a close relationship with Latinos or immigrants really wouldn't know what they go through every day. Many illegal immigrants work the jobs that other citizens don't want. Seriously. These people make their living by cleaning toilets. I'm not sure I know many "Americans" willing to take those types of jobs.
It doesn't matter what nationality you are, no one likes those jobs. Illegal immigrants take those jobs because their employers hire them with out reporting them but do not pay them as much. If they just got their citizenship they could have legal, high paying, high profile jobs like anyone else.
I think another major issue with immigrants is that so many have fake social security numbers stolen from other people and a lot of the illegal immigrants are getting privileges that citizens born here are denied. One example would be that in my area illegal citizens are given free college classes while everyone else has to pay, and in grades k-12 most Spanish speaking students are passed along regardless of their grades. Another example would be the abuse of the wellfare system. This ofcourse isn't limmited to Hispanics, as a matter of fact I stopped talking to one of my white friends because she left high school and got knocked up and has been using government support to get by rather than going to work or making her lazy husband get off his rear and go to work, instead she just keeps have kids, not cool.
paola wrote:
I don't think the whole anthem thing was meant to offend anyone. Like theonlysaneone's quote, it's to rally the immigrants, both legal and illegal. For the first time, Latinos are actually uniting for a common cause. And although it may seem like a bad thing to many of you, to me its great to see some solidarity. Like it or not, illegal immigrants do a lot for America. I'd participate in "A Day Without an Immigrant" on May 1st, but I have an AP exam. Still, I definitely support these people and I'll be there in spirit.
I also don't think that it was meant to offend anyone but just because of the current social circumstances it's caused some problems. I do think that it is good that Spanish speakers can enjoy our anthem also but I really don't think that "rallying the immigrants" is the point or a good idea. Passing the citizenship test is a rule and encouraging the breaking of rules isn't practical. It's good that people can unite but not for this reason. Maybe they should rally to improve thier own country instead of demanding instant citizenship to this one.
I'm not saying that all immigrants whether they're from Mexico or anywhere else are bad but there are a lot of problems that have arrisen from illegal immigration and this wasn't exactly the best time for the Spanish Star Spangled Banner to make it's debute.