1) All men are created equal.
Not really. Each one has different abilities. I give this a
3. And what about women?!
2) Girls should act like girls.
Meh. Some would probably do better to act like one, but that doesn't mean they should.
3) It's okay to be different.
Of course! If you aren't different, then you are boring. Be yourself, and you are interesting!
4) Nobody is all bad or all good.
There is no way you can be totally either. I mean, just because you are an evil mastermind who wants nothing more than to take over the world doesn't mean you'll save your Fluffy Pink Kitten when its in trouble, does it?!
5) Some words are so offensive that they should never be stated or written.
They should, but, that doesn't mean they are. There are times and places where it wouldn't hurt to use them, young grasshopper. Just... make sure it is the correct time and place.
6) The old adage, "Sticks and stones may break your bones, but words will never hurt you," is true.
The problem with this is... they do hurt. And they hurt more than sticks and stones, no less. And most times, physical wounds heal. Yet, mental... they stay there, scarred and reopened, time, and time again, until you actually get to believe what they are saying... and then...
7) Speaking standard grammar proves that a person is smart.
Not really. Just because you can't speak correct grammar doesn't mean you are smart - you could have originated in another country, or something.
8.) A hero is born, not made.
No. I believe you have to earn your way to be a hero. After all, when your just born, people don't flock over and scream, "Oh my gosh! Its you! I've been waiting all my life! Marry me, please!"
9) Education is the great equalizer.
No. There are some who need education, and others who do much better just knowing how to hoe a field. Besides, we need both... therefore, both are equal.