1. I'm Italian, and I started learning English 4 years ago to read Harry Potter. Before that, I hated this language and I had bad marks. Now my English marks are quite high.
2. I generally have good marks, apart from latin. I hate latin. I don't know why I have to study latin if I chose a
scientific lyceum... anyways...
3. I have an annoying brother and an annoying sister. I'm the eldest one.
4. My first NeoPet was a blue shoyru. After 2 days I played Poogle Solitaire and won a magical purple poogle toy. When he transformed, I was shocked
5. I'm an atheist, even if I didn't tell my parents yet (I'm going to when I turn 18, it's not very long)
6. I love LoTR, Discworld, Artemis Fowl and Harry Potter (but the films stink)
7. Once I used Kayla as username for a fantasy RPG. At first I didn't realize it was from neopets! If I had to choose a surname for the character it would be Moonshadow
8. I'm not doing my homeworks right now. And I don't think I'm ever going to do the latin ones. I'll copy them in september from a friend
9. I spend way too many time in front of the computer.
10. Maybe it's for this that the only boy that phoned me this month is a geek one year younger than me. He asked me to go to the cinema with him. Of course I refused, and I told him that there wasn't any decent film in the theatres at the moment. Then 2 days ago I went to see "the day after tomorrow" with my mom and my little brother. it was fantastic!
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