zorg wrote:
I have a s&e presentation (why should WA seperate from the rest of australia and become an independent country) and my partner has a really bad flu and they can't do the accents which kinda make it funny, and I can barely remember half of it (and the teacher hates me, don't forget that), does anyone have any suggestions on what to do?
have you written your presentation already?
if you like, we had to do soemthing similar in political studies *don't ask me why, my teachers a bit weird, but funny*
did you know, WA is not mentioned in the preamble of the constitution? we are the only state (excluding territory) that is not mentioned. we didn't want to join the federation, and also, we are not highly represented in the house of reps, only in the senate (due to the voting systems used) we contribute a fair amount to the federal tax system, but often get shortchanged in the federal budget (according to my teacher) we are also separated from the rest of the country, by, the rest of the country
and as for the prsentation part, could you do powerpoint? or at least, print out some photos of john forrest, who was the governor of WA at the time and who opposed federation, and pass them around the class. there is aice big statue of him in kings park if you are really interested in mentioning him.
thats about all i know, we don't do it as in depth as the people who study history (they get to do australian history)