I'm not sure if this was a prank my friend played on me or not... But the two of us used to play hide and go seek, and I hid behind the bathroom door. Since it was right at the corner of the wall, I stook right in the corner with the door pulled around so she wouldn't see me. But, she comes into the bathroom. Shuts the door. I'm standing right there, and shes staring right at me, I'm staring right at her. But she didn't flinch to get me, it was really creepy. Then she just left. And the game carried on. She swears I wasn't there, but I think she knew I was, because she looked RIGHT at me. But shes all "No you weren't, I'm Christian, I don't lie, and I most certainly wouldn't swear that you weren't if you were...!" That was one of the scariest things that happened to me, because for half a minute we were like staring at eachother and no one said anything, and it was as if no one was there, not us even.
As for pranks I've played..
I had this dummy, really life like. And I told my friend I was going outside for a while. And if I wasn't back in in 30mins to come and make sure I was ok. So, time went on, and I'm outside making this snowball, human head size. She goes out to find me, I go inside, get a toothpick, craft eyes, mouth and nose... I dressed the dummy in the clothes I was wearing that day(I changed), put in in a living room chair, and put the snowball head ontop of it. When she came back, I was in this coat rack we have in this little hallway leading right to the living room, so I could see everything. I have no clue why, but she fell for it completely. She started freaking out for a minute, then logic caught up with her and she came found me and started freaking out on me... I have no clue why I did that, or why she fell for it, but it was funny that she believed I had a snow head for a minute.
Ok, when I was younger, like 6 years old or something, my aunt was trimming my grandmothers toenails. My dad, me, my grandma, and my aunt were there. When my aunt went to the washroom, I went to the kitchen, got just a little bit of ketchup, and smeared it on the toe she had just done. She started freaking out, she seriously thought she cut her toe because it was just the right colour of red, and just the right ammount.
I used to do stupid prank calls. Find random 1-800 numbers..
One time I found a Construction company...
Me: Hello? Is my pizza ready yet?
Them: Excuse me? What pizza?
Me: The vegetarian pizza I ordered.
Them: Sorry? This is BM construction.
Me: No, your Johnny's pizza, silly!
Them: Hang on a minute, I'll let you talk to the manager...
Me: No! I talked to you about my pizza!
Them: Unless your pizza is made out of wood and nails, No, you didn't.
Me: No, Its a vegetarian pizza with meat.
Them: I'm sorry, its late, you'll have to call back tomorrow, then someone who knows what your talking about will be here, because we don't serve pizzas.
Another time, it didn't really come off as I hoped... I don't remember what this was for, but I called up another..
Me: Hello, can you tell my what 1+1=?
Them: Uhh.. 3.5billion?
Me: Thanks...
Them: No, serious, what do you need?
Me: Oh I was just wondering if you would listen to my poem...
Them: I thought you wanted to know what 1+1 was...
Me: Oh, well this is all for school, so can I read it to you?
Them: Sure.
Me: ( I rattled off some poem I was readon from a book)
Them: Well, its ok. It doesn't really rhyme...
Me: Well it should, because its by (authors name) Thanks though.
That guy was so friendly it wasn't funny...