I thought I was in love once. I thought I couldn't live without my ex, and I couldn't be without him, but now, it's been over a year without him, and almost 7 months with my new boyfriend, and now I know, that I am in love with my new one, and my old one can go to...you get the point.
It's funny, a lot of people don't think me and my new boyfriend are in love either, like my ex roommate. She goes around telling people that we are not in love and blah blah blah.
But, we are, and we know it. Yea, sure, we have a couple of fights here and there, but what relationship doesnt? We are with each other all the time, aside from when we are working. We have the same taste in some things. And, we have never got into one of those fights which end up in a breakup, then back together.
We are planning a kid together, and planning our future. He's planning on sending me back to school too, se I can finally get some college under my belt. And, we are slowly making way to getting our own place.
Now, this relationship is so much better then my last.
My last one, I thought it was love, but it wasn't. I lived with the guy, we did the "it", I cooked him meals, and we had the same tight group of friends. The only thing that was bad about the relationship (and I couldn't see it until now, because I was "blinded" by love) was the abuse. I went to school with bruises on me. I was the one working out of me and him (he was a drug dealer, so he didn't think he needed a job), we got into MANY fights and arguements that ended in me crying, and him sleeping on the couch.
And when I came home from work (I worked in a meat processing plant, so I was working 12 hour days), he would want me to go out to a party with him, but I was tired, so I wouldn't go, so he would go, and bash me at these parties.
Then, a horrible time came. I became pregnant with him. I became pregnant with someone who NEVER wishes to be married, and NEVER EVER wants kids, and someone who always kept trying to find ways to get rid of me.
In the end, we got into a VERY large fight. I had an abortion, he was happy, his mom was happy. They both said that I was trying to trap my ex into staying with me (I could've cared less). But, after the abortion, he joined the military (but got accepted into the Navy, the day of my abortion, so he was twice as happy as before), and moved. I don't talk to him anymore, and now I am glad that all that has happened, because if it didn't, I wouldn't have met my new boyfriend (Who I couldn't live a day without), or, if I did stay with my ex, I would probably end up dead from the abuse, or from the emotional abuse and I would've caused harm on myself.
Everyone has their own thought on what love is. There, I just showed you what I thought love was, and the love I have for my new man.
I hope no one in the PPT forums EVER end up in a harmful relationship. It's not good at all.
«Don't play with fire, play with Rachel.»