ahoteinrun wrote:
Kidwaiy wrote:
ahoteinrun wrote:
Kidwaiy wrote:
ahoteinrun wrote:
Kidwaiy wrote:
chi_chi1548286 wrote:
Kidwaiy wrote:
I want the Calgary Flames to make it to the 2nd Round because I like the team and I am from Calgary.
I'm from Calgary too, well, er...I live here, haha, I'm origionally from Manitoba, but, I still don't like Calgary, horrible city -.-
What! I love Calgary but now I live in Brampton, Ontario. (It's close to Toronto)
I'm from Edmonton, i've been born and raised to hate Calgary. So... BOOO! BOO CALGARY!
Although I do want them to get into this series, simply so we can watch Edmonton play them (and hopefully) win! HAH!
Thats where your wrong, Calgary would win!
Edmonton beat Detroit, which was the BEST team in the league. Calgary is having problems winning. I think Edmonton would kick some toosh. Lets put out the flames! WOO HOO!
Well I guess we will have to wait and see to see who wins. But I think we all know it's going to be Calgary.
Oh dear. Calgary lost.
Fancy that...
Hehehe, I'm excited that Calgary lost:D Although, every customer that was in my work last night gave me dirty looks when I started to cheer cuz they lost.
BTW, if it would've been a Battle of Alberta, Edmonton would've most likely beaten Calgary due to their previous track records of palying each other, Edmonton has won most games.
AND, BTW again, Detroit (my team) is always the best in their leauge, but they ARE getting old, and can't handle what they used too. They are all getting injured, or getting to old to do any good hits. Edmonton is lucky, lol, if they played against any other team, they would've probably lost.