Setekh wrote:
Bangel wrote:
Glory was still pretty much undefeatable. It was only because she was Ben that she got defeated. So if that wouldn't have happened, she would have killed the whole world and the dimensions would have all bleeded into one another. That is some pretty smurf villainry right there.
Psshhht, she was defeated, bashed into the ground and done over, And so what if her human host was her weakness? thats kind of the point isnt it?
Apocalypse and Unicron never let death stop them (Heck, Apocalypse was dying all the time, Unicron a paltry Thrice)
That and I just dont like Glory all that much, was a brilliant season mindyou, but she lacked the Oomph to be in my personal top 10 villains.
Technically she wasn't bashed into the ground. She was smothered. After she was bashed into the ground. And if you're talking about not villains that don't let death stop them, then why the hell are there no vampires in this? Angelus should feel cheated, damnit. He died like three times.
Season five was a brilliant season... I still cry whenever I watch The Gift. ._.
Amethyst wrote:
Bangel wrote:
Amethyst wrote:
WHY are the blue-handed dudes from Firefly not on there?
They probably didn't know what to call them. "Blue-handed dudes" doesn't sound very formal. :P
But they should definitely be included after what they did to poor River's brain... ;_;
And their shiny 'make you bleed from every orifice' stick...-shiver-
I still get nightmares over that thing. Ew.
Ixistant wrote:
Bangel wrote:
Setekh wrote:
90. Gentlemen - "Buffy the Vampire Slayer"
34. Mayor Richard Wilkins - "Buffy the Vampire Slayer"
Out of all the villains in Buffy the Vampire Slayer, they chose the Gentlemen and Mayor Wilkins? Total crap. Come on, where's Glorificus? The Master? Angelus? Adam? Warren, Andrew, and Jonathon (they were SUPER NERDS. If that is not villain-like, then what is?). And come on... The First. The First is PURE EVIL. It is like, the literal essense of evil, and they didn't even consider it one of the best villains?
*shakes head* Absolutely hopeless.
I agree with you on the Mayor, but The Gentlemen?! They were creepy as hell, and I think that they are one of the best villains in the Buffy Universe! How scared would you be if you couldn't hear anything or talk, knowing that these monsters are coming to kill you. And that no matter how hard you try, you just can't scream out for help.
Although what the heck is up with having "Syndrome" in there?! He was a CRAP villain!
They were barely creepy. Sure, they went and cut out people's hearts and stole their voices, but what did it take to defeat them? One scream. That is crap. Buffy had to DIE to kill the Master, and he's not even on there. All she had to do was scream and the Gentlemens' heads exploded.