Kymothy wrote:
Morningstar wrote:
My daughter ( the former member known as Baby Poogle Eater) turned vegetarian about a year ago.
I give her another year before she becomes 100% carnivorous again. All girls in my boarding school went through their vegetarian phase.
I sort of agree, Kym. I have talked to so many women who said, oh, yes, I was a vegetarian in high school. But, perhaps Nat is different. She is doing it because of the way the world treats animals (she also wears no leather and only vegan shoes), has boycotted McD's (not even for a cup of coffee) because of the way they treated the migrant farm workers, buys only indie CDs and has boycotted Indie bands that later sold out, and OMG, I cannot begin to tell you how she feels about President Bush. And this is only the tip of the iceberg about her feelings about current issues. So, we'll see. She definitely marches to the beat of a different drummer. And if nothing else, she's got me to eating fruits and veggies again. *smile*
Bangel wrote:
I'm vegan.
No Big Macs.
No Kentucky Fried Chicken.
No Hershey's chocolate.
No Pizza Hut.
No ice cream.
*wins at eating right*
Yay! I will have to tell Nat. Though Nat does eat some chocolate and ice cream. But only ice cream and yogurt from indie type places. She will let Ben and Jerry in. Only stuff that contains no gelatin. And she will let certified fair trade chocolate into her mouth. On occasion. Lucky for us, there's a Whole Foods in our town.
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