Asthaloth wrote:
Hunter Lupe wrote:
Not being given adequate free reign to mess up doesn't qualify you for the lifetime achievement award.
I would like to point out that I did mention that.
And proceeded to disregard it, evidently.
Asthaloth wrote:
But continue to ignore the pertinent points of my argument.
It just strengthens it for those paying attention.
That'd require there to be an argument in the first place, while what you've presented is at best a collection of similarly slanted assertions. The strength of those statements is intrinsic to the statements themselves, not the nature of replies to them; I do not believe I quite qualify for the "generation before me bashing my generation" categorization either.
Moongewl wrote:
Hunter Lupe wrote:
And the generation before that clearly had better schooling. Yeah. Okay.
I noticed a severe decline in the quality of my OWN education, from first grade to twelfth.
Unfortunately, that may just be attributed to the education system getting worse as you get to a higher stage in it, rather than the education system getting worse over time.
Moongewl wrote:
Hunter Lupe wrote:
You are, first and foremost, what you believe yourself to be; that whole fragment is rhetoric.
That's what I keep hearing from the generation before me. The whole thing is a complaint about the fact that every generation before us complains about us and says their generation was better and I'm tired of it.
It's easy to disregard complaints that you know are untrue and unbiased - the idea of being annoyed by complaints suggests that you do not believe them to be altogether baseless.