I know way more pi than i should.....
the reason? on Pi Day (March 14th) our school did lots of things, like making a paper chain link around the school, trying to beat world record, with a number of pi on each link....
and THEN... they had other nerdy things, like a pi memorizing contest for an *amazing!* prize......
So, i studied... made up a little tune to get through the first 50 or so... basically would make pattners of series of numbers in my head. I worked my butt off for a week, with pi on paper on me at all times, memorizing.... and I ended up memorizing
275 digits of pi. Thats right. For a whole day, i knew 275 digits of pi.
Then i didnt care if i rememberd them. of course, i still have the song and pattern in my head, so i remember... um... a lot still. lets see, off the top 3.14159...2653589793238......462643383......27950288419716939937.....5105820974944592..... 307816406..2862089986280348253421170679 8214808651328230664...70938446095505822....3172535940812848111..... 7450284....1027019385...211055596446229....4895493038196 ....
well, i *think* i know more than that, but without checking, i cant be postive whether im right or not. But you can see how the sequences i seperated them into have somewhat of a pattern to each of them... or similar numbers or something. Patters and songs really help.
In the end, i got 1st place in the contest, and won 15 dollars to target. I wanted to scream. What a jip.... im like "I memorized.... almost 300 digits of pi.... and i get 15 DOLLARS TO TARGET? *faint*.... oh well. at least i now have a bunch memorized....