Morningstar wrote:
Kym wrote:
Morningstar wrote:
Haha I can imagine it now - the owner is sleeping and the cat jumps out from nowhere onto his face.
Kym, when I was about 13 or 14, I used to babysit for my niece. My brother and his wife had the evilest little Siamese I'd ever seen. She scared the crap out of me on more than one occasion. About 10 at night, she'd come into the living room (where I was watching TV) and just glare at me. Not a what are you still doing here glare but a Get the Smurf Out of My House Or I Will Eat You Alive glare. I was raised around animals--cats, dogs, birds, mice, rabbits, even a couple of ducks, so it wasn't like I was not used to animals. But, she was in a whole different ballgame. I do believe that she had the devil in her. Perhaps, at one time in her life, she was thrown into a shower like the cat in this video. I have had many a cat since that time with my brother's cat. Not one of them ever came close to her display of pure evil. But, I do know that some of them held grudges against me for a long, long time.
Sounds a bit like my cat... I am the only one that can hold her (my mom can, if she's desperate enough for attention, even rarer is my sister being given the 'honor' of holding her.)
My cat likes to wait until whoever we have over goes to the bathroom, and then she'll sit outside the door, and hiss at them when they try to leave. (Ask Igg, she did it to her when I was busy in the kitchen one night)
She will hide under the furniture and hiss, spit, and claw at you as you walk by.
She sent one of my friends flailing over the couch and onto the floor once.
She will chase the dogs out of 'her' water, and once something has been slept on by the cat, she now owns it. Until you encourage her to sleep on it and then she's tired of it.
She was weened way too early as a kitten, thats the only reason we can think of for her being like this.
And that is so horrible about the woman putting her cat to sleep over her couch >.<