Kugetsu wrote:
Xandra wrote:
Bangel wrote:
Drake Redcrest wrote:
I am more than reasonably certain I could spend that all in one day.
I could spend that all in one
The three of us would be like shopping partners on a mixture of steroids, crack and large quantities of pure caffeine.
That money would last me a looooong time, I don't know if I would
ever spend it all (well, most of it would be on the boring stuff like rent, utilities, college, etc.). I just don't buy that much crap, so...
*sneaks over and takes a couple of bundles*
They won't be needing this where they're going anyway. >:o
If you had £1,000,000 (aprox. $1,800,000, so say two million in dollars..) You would never have to work again, ever, that is if you maintained a financial budget that an average-family would have. So would your kids, and probably their kids too and the offspring for several generations after that.
It means not buying ex-military
jets and commercial
planes and
large houses with
olympic sized swimming pools that are heated to the max and mutual funds and rollercoasters in your yard and pets with diamond laced collars and cash-filled baths and money fights and
islands to have all the aforementioned stuff on.
So who wants average-family budget, eh?
Okay, okay, I admit, I would buy an island. Maybe Iowa.