In case anyone is interested my school sent an email to every student to inform us about emergency procedures and security issues.
The tragic events at Virginia Tech University this week have highlighted issues of safety in educational institutions everywhere.
Here at Conestoga we have received queries from members of the College community regarding our safety and security procedures and the measures we have in place to deal with emergencies. It is impossible to prevent all acts of senseless violence. However, we would like to review with you the steps we have taken to continually evaluate and enhance our capability to respond to emergencies.
1. Our Emergency Response Plan is under regular review, with the last updates being completed on Oct 17.2006.
2. Conestoga College has a state-of-the-art closed circuit television system, with 96 cameras covering the campus. This system is under constant updating, with the last completed just two weeks ago, with features for remote viewing, networking, and enhanced search and recording features, including remote viewing of the Guelph campus from our location.
The installation will commence next week for the Waterloo Campus, and the same features will exist.
3. A new guard staffing model was put in place, to better respond to the needs of Conestoga, to enhance performance, training, and service to the College community.
4. College security staff are highly qualified with many years of police and College experience to deal with any situations which may arise.
5. Policies and training issues are constantly under review.
6. New faculty orientation sessions are held twice yearly to address issues such as major incidents on campus.
This College will continue to review its procedures to ensure that they are clear, comprehensive and all-encompassing to meet the needs of our community. As well, we will research what improvements we are able to make and consider any recommendations that come out of the Virginia Tech inquiries. Updates or revisions to the policies or procedures will be communicated to you. In the meantime, the link to Conestoga’s Major Incident – Personal Safety information on the web site is: ... aftycc.jsp All College employees are encouraged to review this as one way in which to be knowledgeable about actions to be taken in the case of emergencies.
John Tibbits
I didn't find it all that informative.