I am a Christian myself, and I believe in a heaven and hell, but the prospect of reincarnation is interesting.
I'm actually kind of fearful of this eternal paradise in all honesty. Peace, Tranquility and Joy don't make for much excitement and fun. I sure can't imagine myself playing Counter-Strike against my Great-Great Grandpa for instance.
Reincarnation would be a bit more interesting. I've heard stories though, of people who claim to have been dead and gone to heaven, but then returned back to life (CPR, electric thing that doctors say 'clear' when they use, etc.). Whether true or not, all of them claim to have been moody after being revived, claiming that Heaven was so beautiful and wonderful that life on earth seemed like hell in comparison.
So I believe that there is more to life than just 'death' as such and the ceasing of existance.