well, because of my last name, my nickname is Weezel....... and then i did a heroic thing just like in a comic book, only toned lower... you know, the typical "the bad guy kidnaps the girl and runs off with her and threatens her, but just in time the hero flies in and beats the crap out of the bad guy, and saves the girl"
mine was a bit different.... it was on the way home from school, and it was just a teen guy grabbing a teen girl... and he punched her and pushed her into the road because she wouldnt go with him.... and i was on the other side of the street and i jumped off my bike and ran across the street even though there werent cars, and the guy ran off *rats* but i picked up the girl and got her back onto the sidewalk/grass about 10 seconds before a truck would've hit her.... and a bunch of people saw it, so as a joke, they called me The Wonder Weezel for about a week. And i love to help people all the time, and im extremely involved, so when i do something amazing or real helpful, my friends just say "thanks wonder weezel" as a joke, and i say "thats THE wonder weezel to you!" and..... yeah, the story sounds bigger then it is, but its pretty much just a joke with my friends... which traveled to be my internet alias.
*The Wonder Weezel... aWWAAAAYyyyy.......*
rageaholic wrote:
Mine's simple... it's my first name
"I'm a rageaholic! I just can't live without rageahol!" ~ Homer Simpson
*hahaha i remember that! ah.... simpsons memories.... that was great