I'm WAY too packed with Homework, so I won't be posting much or coming on very often. I'll post maybe a view times a week, and I check in once in a while, But I'm afraid that no longer will I be able to post as often as I did.
Here are a few people who have changed my life:
Knives: You were so nice and friendly the first time we talked. You were always making me alugh and for a whie I was stalking you O_O;; Thank you!
Zero: XD You are so hilarious. I remember that one time, when you were really mad about that one host and then we made up a chant wow, good times =P Thank you!
Dragonfire: You helped me mature. Before I talked to you, I was a japenese wannabe and always did stupid things thinking they were funny. I always whined thinking my life was awful, but then you told me a bit about your personal life, and I noticed people are much more less fortunate then I, and you helped me realize that. Thank you!
Koku: There's not much to say. You're just a great friend and I still see you every weekend...so yeah...Thank you..!
Starchaser: You're so nice and helpful, when I was lost, you found me. Thank for always being there. You've always been my idol.
Yoshi: XD You're so funny, and You're an amazing artist. I really do admire you. Thanks!
*teardrop* This is only temporary, so don't worrt, I'll be back sometime, but for now, goodbye