DiscordantNote wrote:
Anyway, congrats! It's certainly one of the more interesting pets you can have. What do you feed it?
I used to have one. Mine was fed a couple crickets a week. It was so cool if you were watching when the tarantula caught one. They normally just chill out in a corner because it takes so much effort to move (my friend told me that they don't have muscles like we do, but it is more of a hydrolics system), but when they catch something, they use their legs to sense the vibrations the cricket is making in the ground, and then pounce on it before you can blink. Then they sit there for another 2 hours while they digest the inards of the cricket.
Anyway, a few other people have mention concerns about dropping tarantulas. The reason you have to be really careful about dropping them is if they fall from a height of more than a foot or so, upon impact the force upon their legs will crack open their abdomen (the place where the legs join on the abdomen is the weakest spot on them) and they will either instantly die, or slowly bleed to death from the injury.
Congrats Floella! Mine used to be a Stripe Kneed. He was a bit too agressive to hold though. I'll be getting another, probably a Rosehair as soon as I'm out of college and don't have pet restrictions thrust upon me. My boyfriend doesn't like that idea though. We'll probably be married by that point and he doesn't want the thing around the house. *sigh* Tarantuas are so misunderstood.
I'm finally back for the summer, although hopefully I'll spend a little more time away from this screen.