Trick wrote:
btjaus wrote:
But does that mean karma is real? Is simply because of the mathematics of chance I outlined above, or is it a real, equalising force?
Karma (very) basically is to do with, if you do good things then good things will happen to you; if you do bad things, bad things will happen to you. I'm not really sure how a run of good luck and the probability of things comes in to it?
And the probability of getting good random events is the same as it is every other day, past experiences don't come into it =P
The 'karma' user who unwittingly started this debate simply stated that he might get bad luck the next day because of the fact that he got good luck today - a simple statement of causality - and that is the assumption that Karma takes, the 'luck' or 'chance' or 'good things' have an element of causality, balance or overpowering force governing them.
If the probability of getting a random event on a page is, say, 0.0025, then each time you go to that page, you have .25 of a percent chance of getting a random event.
According to the product rule of probability, the chance of getting sequential events - eg. if you go to that page twice in a row you'll get it both times, is 0.0025 X 0.0025, which is actually 0.00000625.
So the chance of each happening individually, is 0.0025, but the chance of getting two in a row is so much less - 0.00000625. Of course - I don't know TNT's real numbers, this is just conjecture, but it works no matter the chance.
It isnt about past events - it's about the chance - in the future - of getting two of the same events in a row. For our originally quoted user, to get such good RE's, on two consecutive days, would be quite amazing - and that's why I brought in the mathematics.
bone garden wrote:
I don't know for sure, obviously, but I believe all the random event things are figured out mathamaticaly in neopets (every so many hundred on this page get this one, every so many thousand who click on this page get this one..). In real life however, I do believe that if you do good things, good things will be done back to you, and if you do bad things, bad things will happen to you.
Several users have said basically the same thing - that it isnt about a run of good luck, but what you do, good or bad.
But all things in life also have a mathematical chance... so how can Karma apply there - and if you do good things, who 'decides' good things will happen to you?
I think there is no such thing in Karma - it's all in your mind.