I just wrote a story for Powerpets based on two RPs here (Wolf Glen and Helpless)! Hopefully it'll be accepted... I'd like some commission money!
It's better than a lot of the books there I've read, anyway. What's powerpets you ask? No, it's not a ripoff of Neopets. It's just another virtual pets site, and it's really growing on me.
http://www.powerpets.com/signup.asp?rfID=437554 (I need the referral money

Anyway, if it gets accepted I think it'll be called The Outcast Pup (I took a vote on the boards out of about 5 options and that one got the most votes.)
It says it'll take up to a week to get back to me... wish me luck!
BTW... I quote the RPs I'm in... a lot.... but only my own posts. So no blaming of thievery. When they get back to me, I'll post it here, but until then- ya never know, someone could steal it.