I've been going to a drama camp for the past five weeks or so, and we filmed a movie, and it's premiering today, and everyone gets to see it. It's a highly modified version of Clue. Since I want to be an actress, my first movie premiere is exciting, cause it might not be my last.
I have to get going in a few minutes. My mom's gonna see it. I'm kind of apprehensive about letting people I know see it before I myself know what it looks like, but the counselors (aka the crew
) always tell me I'm great, so I hope other people think so too. So I just wanted to share that with all you guys here on PPT. I'll probably end up cringing and covering my eyes a lot. Heh.
No, I never officially left; yes, I am gone forever. I have also permanently left AIM. If you need to contact me, drop a line on LJ. Same username.