want to know what scares you. You put in your recurring nightmares and they add new rooms to their haunted house based on things that people are scared of.
My dreams usually consist of running from something, compounded by mazes and doorways which lead to more mazes and doorways. If I am outside, I have fences to climb and once I climb those, I run right into another one. Sometimes people chase me, sometimes dogs. Once it was even a bull.
Sometimes I find myself injured or with weird deformities like tentacles/mushroomy things growing all over me.
I have a recurring dream about being unable to move, and finding myself laying in the middle of a highway with cars coming.
Sometimes I am standing in a field of train tracks. No matter where I run, I am always standing on a train track and there are trains coming.
Sometimes I dream I am in a car or school bus, which is controlling itself. It is about to drive over a cliff, into the water, or into a wall. Or maybe a train is coming...
If I get out, I find myself running away and then the darned fences have to appear, or a mad dog. Or I find myself paralyzed...
well you get the picture...
Anyway, I am pretty good at lucid dreaming so I'm usually able to realize it is a dream and change it. Sometimes my dream has to be annoying and doesn't cooperate with me. LOL.