We have a fancy dress thing coming up, and the committee decided on 'halloween' as a theme, which TBH, its a bit pants, as it's not actually on halloween, and we'll all be going to at least 1 other halloween theemed night, so we've come up with a list of fancy dress themes to give to the committee, and i was wondering if anyone can come up with anymore. here's our list: (the bold ones are the ideas we like more, the
Dark Blue ones are new additions)
Letters (ie you pick a letter and everyone has to come as something beginning with that letter
Movie Stars
Tarts & Vicars
Robin Hood (& Maid Marion)
Cartoon Characters
Bad Taste
A Chosen Decade
Cowboy's and Indians (& Saloon Girls)
Hawaiian / Beach
Uniforms (Incl eg, Police, Navy, Army, School, etc etc)
Good Vs. Evil (We figured this would be a good compromise with the halloween thing)
What you wanted to be when you were young
Where you're from
Ways of Death
Great Couples
Other themes we have that we're not mentioning as they've been used quite recently are:
Pyjama Party
Super Heroes
Can anyone think of anymore? The more we give them the more likely we are to get a different theme, and as everyone i've spoken to doesnt like the idea as it would be too much halloween stuff, so we really want one