If you're feeling down and blue and need a little pick-me-up, then this is the place to be people!
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Sun Aug 15, 2004 10:31 pm

Makes sense...

It's the song that scares me the most "I love you, you love me"......How can he think we all love him?! And his kiddy friends have GOT to be brainwashed somehow! I think, just think, it may be the purpleness.....GET OUT WHILE YOU CAN CHILDREN, GET OUT!!! *cough*

Sun Aug 15, 2004 10:36 pm

Twinkle wrote:Makes sense...

It's the song that scares me the most "I love you, you love me"......How can he think we all love him?! And his kiddy friends have GOT to be brainwashed somehow! I think, just think, it may be the purpleness.....GET OUT WHILE YOU CAN CHILDREN, GET OUT!!! *cough*

Yes, the purpleness is a pure sign of evil. -shudders- That telletubbie freaked me out and gave me nightmares for so long...

Sun Aug 15, 2004 11:09 pm

Well, the 666 is the sign of the beast, and it represents the unholy trinity.

Here in a passage (and accompanying picture) from "The Bible of Doom Chicken" Barney is revealed to be one of the great evils commanded by God to exist, so that there might be good:

And there shall be a great purple dinosaur, who shall work its way into the hearts of children through its crude singing. Once it has gained their trust it shall make its true nature known. For it is the incarnation of the Beast, and it shall rise up and devour children whole.

Here's Barney and his "mad face":

Sun Aug 15, 2004 11:14 pm

Ixistant wrote:Well, the 666 is the sign of the beast, and it represents the unholy trinity.

Here in a passage (and accompanying picture) from "The Bible of Doom Chicken" Barney is revealed to be one of the great evils commanded by God to exist, so that there might be good:

And there shall be a great purple dinosaur, who shall work its way into the hearts of children through its crude singing. Once it has gained their trust it shall make its true nature known. For it is the incarnation of the Beast, and it shall rise up and devour children whole.

Here's Barney and his "mad face":

...WE MUST SAVE THE CHILDREN! Where did you find those pictures? They're marvelous!
Last edited by Crescendo on Sun Aug 15, 2004 11:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Sun Aug 15, 2004 11:15 pm

Ixistant wrote:Well, the 666 is the sign of the beast, and it represents the unholy trinity.

Here in a passage (and accompanying picture) from "The Bible of Doom Chicken" Barney is revealed to be one of the great evils commanded by God to exist, so that there might be good:

And there shall be a great purple dinosaur, who shall work its way into the hearts of children through its crude singing. Once it has gained their trust it shall make its true nature known. For it is the incarnation of the Beast, and it shall rise up and devour children whole.

Here's Barney and his "mad face":

Oh my! That thing is scary! *hides and whimpers*

Mon Aug 16, 2004 3:26 am

pfft, barney is but the pawn of the true evil, the children of the first, the one true evil (apophis obiously) his childrens names? well i dare not speak them but they go collectively by the name....the BOOBAHS!

Sat Nov 27, 2004 5:14 am

it is so tru!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sat Nov 27, 2004 5:16 am

*cough* someonehastoomuchfreetime *cough*

Sat Dec 04, 2004 4:17 am

*runs and hides behind the couch*

//whisper// This true...he is the evil one. Almost as bad as 'You know Who'. He forces, using extremely painful brainwashing techniques, the poor, innocent children to follow his command and *shudders* even HUG him!

Not to forget...all that - PURPLENESS!!!!! -

//Shouts out loud// I DON'T LOVE YOU! You shall never hug me alive!

*runs off*

Sat Dec 04, 2004 5:06 am

I had a dream that barney was turning everyone into barney clones (Like Agent Smith from the Matrix, but in a sucky Special effects rated way.. Just like.. ::poof:: they are barney. xD)

I kept on starting in a begining, then getting up to a certain points and the barney clone would kill me. I started again, got past that, then he killed me. It was weird. o_O

Sat Dec 04, 2004 9:21 pm

AHHH! *hides*

Woah. That is pretty cool. I would never thing of that. *turns into Eric Cartman voice* Sweet...

Re: Barney = Satan.....

Sun Dec 05, 2004 3:12 am

Smart Duck wrote:The truth is finally known! Barney seems innocent and sweet but in fact he is Satan. It's all very simple:

1) Start with the given: CUTE PURPLE DINOSAUR

2) Change all U's to V's (which is proper Latin anyway): CVTE PVRPLE DINOSAVR

3) Extract all Roman Numerals: C V V L D I V

4) Convert into Arabic values: 100 5 5 50 500 1 5

5) Add all the numbers: 666

Thus, Barney is Satan.

Oddly enough I had an idea there was a conspericy!! Now if only I could link aliens to Area 51!! :evil:

Sun Dec 05, 2004 4:49 am

Setekh wrote:pfft, barney is but the pawn of the true evil, the children of the first, the one true evil (apophis obiously) his childrens names? well i dare not speak them but they go collectively by the name....the BOOBAHS!

:o Boobahs and Barney scare the pants off of me! In WalMart, the first time I saw a Boobah, I took off running down the toy asile, almost knocking over some kids I was so scared.
*hides in corner, knees tucked in tight*
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