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Some of the World's Stupidest Laws

Fri Jun 18, 2004 9:09 pm

Just some things that I thought might be worth sharing. :D They're from a book I bought called 'The World's Stupidest Laws' by David Crombie, so I suppose most of them must be genuine...although I wouldn't be too sure on some...

In Italy...

- A man may be arrested for wearing a skirt.

In Scotland...

- Trespassing on someone's else's land is legal.

- You are presumed guilty until proven innocent for certain misdemeanours.

In France...

- Kissing on French railways is forbidden.

- Between the hours of 8am and 8pm, 70% of the music played on the radio must be by French composers.

- It is a crime for an owner of a pig to call his swine 'Napoleon'.

In Greece...

- If a man is caught kissing a woman in public, the death penalty may be enforced.

In Holland...

- In one Dutch region it is a crime to breach the dykes of a river, even though the region has no rivers.

In Iceland...

- It is permissible for anyone to practice medicine as long as he/she displays a sign that reads Scottulaejenir, which translates as 'quack doctor'.

In Delaware...

- It is an offence to try to pawn one's wooden leg.

In Florida...

- It is against the law to break wind in a public place after 6pm on Thursdays.

- It is considered an offence to shower naked.

- It is illegal to sing in a public place while wearing a swimsuit.

- Housewives are forbidden for breaking more than three dishes in one day or chipping the edges of more than four cups and/or saucers.

- It is unlawful to hunt or kill deer while swimming.

In Hawaii...

- Citizens are not allowed to put coins in their ears.

- It is illegal to say, 'Book 'em Danno'.

In Illinois...

- It is against the law to speak English.

- You must contact the police before entering the city in an automobile.

In Kentucky...

- It is against the law to use a reptile during any part of a religious service.

- Any female between the weight of 90-200lbs appearing in a bathing suit on a highway must be escorted by at least two officers or armed with a club. The law does not apply to anyone weighing less or more than 90-200lbs.

In Louisiana...

- It is against the law to rob a bank and then shoot at the cashier with a water pistol.

- There are no state height restrictions, so citizens can grow as tall as they please.

In Maine...

- Passengers are forbidden from stepping out of a plane in flight.

- It's against the law to molest an alligator.

In Massachusetts...

- Gorillas are not allowed in the back seat of any car.

- It is against the law to use bullets as currency.

In Michigan...

- It is a crime to place a skunk under your boss's desk.

In Mississippi...

- It is a crime to kill a squirrel with a gun in a courtroom.

- The fine for waving a gun in public is higher than actually shooting it.

- It is against the law to shave in the centre of Main Street.

In Oklahoma...

- Oklahoma will not tolerate anyone taking a bite out of another person's hamburger.

- It is illegal to put the hind legs of a farm animal in your boots.

In Pennsylvania...

- People are not allowed to sing in the bath.

In South Dakota...

- It is an offence to lie down and fall asleep in a cheese factory.

In Vermont...

- It is illegal to sell horse urine without a license.

In West Virginia...

- Roadkill may be picked up and taken home for supper.

And finally, in Wisconsin...

- According to state law it is illegal to serve apple pie in public restaurants without cheese.

Fri Jun 18, 2004 9:14 pm

are you fo' rizzle?

Re: Some of the World's Stupidest Laws

Fri Jun 18, 2004 9:42 pm

[angel] wrote:In Pennsylvania...

- People are not allowed to sing in the bath.

If that were true, than I have broken the law alot :P

Anywhere in the USA...

- If you set a trap to catch a criminal, and the criminal is hurt by the trap, they can sue (and in alot of cases they win)

Fri Jun 18, 2004 10:18 pm

Bahahaha, go apple pie! (And it really does taste good with cheese)

^^ Wisconsin is so nutty

Re: Some of the World's Stupidest Laws

Sat Jun 19, 2004 12:39 am

[angel] wrote:In France...

- It is a crime for an owner of a pig to call his swine 'Napoleon'.

Very interesting when you consider the whole Animal Farm connection...

Sat Jun 19, 2004 10:49 am

tehehe, i can't belive some of those! yet i know, there are stupid laws like that, i think i've heard a few of those before too :)

Sat Jun 19, 2004 1:48 pm

I live in west virginia...theres lots of roadkill but it isnt supper :lol:

Sat Jun 19, 2004 2:39 pm

here in ol blighty it isnt technicly illegal to kill someone, it does however come under 'antie social behaviour' ...

it is legal to kill a scotsman wearing a kilt from hadriens wall.

it is illegal to fly the St georges flag or the union jack, for fear 'it might upset racial minorities' (thankyou labour government)
i personally was considering buying one, walking up to the first policeman i could find and daring them to arrest me for racism, but lack of money did that plan in.

Sat Jun 19, 2004 3:16 pm


what's the conclusion:

Belgium is the only normal land :D

+ the land where the inventor of the saxophone, the first person that went faster then 100 km/h, the guy that got third on Pop Idol, + more super people

Sat Jun 19, 2004 4:25 pm

- It is considered an offence to shower naked

uh.... :lol:

- It is illegal to sing in a public place while wearing a swimsuit.

and you'd rahter i'd where WHAT? :D
- Housewives are forbidden for breaking more than three dishes in one day or chipping the edges of more than four cups and/or saucers.

how would you know? :shock:
In Illinois...

- It is against the law to speak English.

whaaat? then my aunt's breaking the law.... :shock:

- Any female between the weight of 90-200lbs appearing in a bathing suit on a highway must be escorted by at least two officers or armed with a club. The law does not apply to anyone weighing less or more than 90-200lbs.

uhhhhhh.....no comment. O_o

- It is against the law to rob a bank and then shoot at the cashier with a water pistol.

and it's NOT agianst the law to shoot them with a REAL gun, and what about the actual robbing of the bank? hmmmmm :?:

- It's against the law to molest an alligator.

okaaaaay, now THERES somthing i didn't need to know! (nasty mental image.... :shock: )

Re: Some of the World's Stupidest Laws

Sun Jun 20, 2004 2:11 am

[angel] wrote:In Illinois...

- It is against the law to speak English.

- You must contact the police before entering the city in an automobile.

Not. True.

Some of these laws are just plain idiotic. But others, I suppose, are somwhat funny. However, I doubt they are real, considering both of the Illinois "laws" do not really exist.

Sun Jun 27, 2004 3:46 am

Dawn - Most of these rules were laws made over a hundred years ago, and just were forgotten about and never edited.

And the Wisconsin one is just too real. Jeebus, us and our dang cheese. Even though it's really not that big of a thing. *pouts* WE ARE NOT CHEESE FREAKS. Weeell...not that big of ones anyway.

Sun Jun 27, 2004 8:13 am

Let's see what my home state, Arkansas has....

The Arkansas River can rise no higher than to the Main Street bridge in Little Rock.
Can we control that?

A man can legally beat his wife, but not more than once a month.

Dogs may not bark after 6 PM.
O_o; I won't ask....

Flirtation between men and women on the streets of Little Rock may result in a 30-day jail term.
O_o; Once again, I won't ask....

Re: Some of the World's Stupidest Laws

Sun Jun 27, 2004 3:39 pm

coming2atvnearu wrote:
[angel] wrote:In France...

- It is a crime for an owner of a pig to call his swine 'Napoleon'.

Very interesting when you consider the whole Animal Farm connection...

I was thinking about that - though it wouldn't surprise me if it didn't occur at all to the legislators. French chauvinism, you know...

Mon Jun 28, 2004 2:54 am

In Oklahoma...

- Oklahoma will not tolerate anyone taking a bite out of another person's hamburger.

- It is illegal to put the hind legs of a farm animal in your boots.

- Now dont you bite my burger you horrid criminal!!!

- Just a guess here but if you put animal legs in your boots im guessing you have serious problems anyways.

When you read these you just have to wonder why they had to be made into laws
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