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The night santa went crazy!!!

Mon Dec 26, 2005 1:08 am


Lol, maybe PG-13 material, is that ok

Re: The night santa went crazy!!!

Tue Dec 27, 2005 4:22 am

andyroonie wrote:http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/santacrazy

Lol, maybe PG-13 material, is that ok

*before clicking*
Im going to guess that this is one of those movies where somebody tries to make a crappy animation from a funny parody song, and thus destroys the original parody for ever. They think it makes the movie funny because they can steal other peoples funny songs. Such as "the night santa went crazy" by Wierd al, yes?


oh god. yes it was. sick. :cry:

poor wierd al. If he wanted his parodies and funny music turned into little movies.... he would have had it done. And not crapily. :(

i can only imagine the expression wierd al would have if he saw this movie.

oh wait, no i cant.

Tue Dec 27, 2005 6:43 am

Eew... are those Sir Ian McKellen's eyes? XD Poor guy.

Yeah, the animation was crappy, but mostly because of the unnesscessary cameos which were neither fun nor interesting and the fact that, in the style of amature flash producers, they traced most of the people they animated -- although the manga-esque elves and whatnot looked a HUNDRED times better.
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