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The Language Barrier

Thu Mar 09, 2006 1:19 pm


I find many of these really hilarious :lol:

Some of my faves:

"I threat you! I challenge you meet me on the roof tonight for a duet!" -- The Iceman Cometh

"Come to Juan's Jewelry Shop. We won't screw you too much." -- On cards handed out by a man in front of a jewelry shop in Mexico.

"In case of fire, please read this." -- On a Saudi hotel's fire safety brochure.

"Two little sticks
They're made out of wood
And they help you
To pick up your lunch
Your lunch
And if you practice
Then you'd get good
And you'll tind you can pick up
A bunch to munch
Eat noodles with chopsticks
Eat dumplings with chopsticks
Eat sushi with chopsticks
That's fish!
Don't eat soup with your chopsticks
That's no good with chopsticks
And jello with slide off
Your dish
I eat with chopsticks
Can you eat with chopsticks
Doctor told us
Be intell eat by using chopsticks
Lots of people use chopsticks
So try eat your chopsticks
Right Now"
-- The same brand of chopsticks, apparently giving up on prose and going for poetry instead.

There are plenty of other good stuff in that site :lol:

Re: The Language Barrier

Thu Mar 09, 2006 3:40 pm

843 wrote:
"Come to Juan's Jewelry Shop. We won't screw you too much." -- On cards handed out by a man in front of a jewelry shop in Mexico.


"Caution Water On Road During Rain" -- A sign in Malaysia.

"Refund!" -- "Caution," as translated into Italian on a "wet floor" sign in an Italian McDonald's.

"You are invited to take advantage of the chambermaid." -- A sign in a Japanese hotel.

"Ladies are requested not to have children in the bar." -- A sign in a Norwegian cocktail lounge.

"WARNING: Tips for waitress not privilege off customer, and not optonal to do! Is custimarry and IS THE LAW for leave tips, otherwise is possibul to face prostection by law! Please be responsivele, leave tip and no go jail! Have a nice day!" -- A sign on tables in a Chinese Restaurant in the United States.

^My favourites :lol:
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