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College Quotes... Subject: Class

Sun Jul 11, 2004 3:27 am

These are REAL quotes from college students.

There are a lot more, and I will post them soon.


"For the last answer on my final I didn't know the answer so I wrote 'I wish I could tell you, but alas, I have been thwarted sir.'"

"Tonight I'm gonna kill myself while I'm sleeping and wake up to find myself dead tomorrow."
-Allen, as he received a homework assignment

Lauren: Jackie, how'd you do on the math test today?
Jackie: Does F-A-L-E mean anything to you?
Lauren: Yes, it's all adding up now.

"Ooh! I want yellow fever! Give me yellow fever!"
-Britt, requesting a research topic in Biology

Matt: How does a lunar eclipse work?
Chrissy: Isn't that where the moon gets in front of the sun?
Matt: No that's a solar eclipse.
Chrissy: Oh, well then doesn't the sun get in the way of the moon?
-During an astronomy review

"What'd he break it with?"
-Bridget, referring to a guy who broke the sound barrier during history

"Man, colored money is stupid!"
-Ben, waking up in the middle of a world economy class

"Our biggest problem is that nobody wants to take responsibility for anything—but don't quote me on that."
-Marius, on failed class projects

"Isn't it weird how you can use both bad weather and really good weather as an excuse not to go to class?"
-Dave, on class attendance

"Humans need oxygen to breathe??"
-Christina, during human biology

Re: College Quotes... Subject: Class

Sun Jul 11, 2004 6:08 am

Onorr wrote:"Isn't it weird how you can use both bad weather and really good weather as an excuse not to go to class?"
-Dave, on class attendance

As sad as it seems, the weather seems to be a commonly used excuse by many of the people I know (including me at times when the weather outside is too nice to be stuck in a cramped lecture theatre) ;) I have to admit some of those are amusing though :D

Sun Jul 11, 2004 3:37 pm

That first one reminds me of my Physics GCSE exam this year. I was completely stuck on two questions so I decided to give the examinor a bit of a giggle.

Q: What instrument is used to detect this type of wave?
A: Infra-red thingy

Q: *big long equation*
A: I would tell you if my damn calculator worked

Hehe I think I've failed!

Sun Jul 11, 2004 4:37 pm

T'was very amusing. I liked the first one the best.

Twinkle, I wouldn't have the guts to do that. O_o

Sun Jul 11, 2004 7:24 pm

Kristina wrote:Twinkle, I wouldn't have the guts to do that. O_o

I really had no clue of the answers but I'm deemed to fail Science anyway...might as well go with a bang eh? :P Hopefully, one day I might turn up on one of those "daft answers" websites :lol:

Fri Jul 23, 2004 8:31 pm

Haha, I liked the 3rd one the best. lol.
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