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Wed May 18, 2005 1:59 am

The Nintendo Revolution kinda reminds me of APPLE. Simplistic but very nice and easy to use :)

Wed May 18, 2005 2:52 am

The ability to download old Nintendo games is a definite plus as well.

Wed May 18, 2005 6:06 am

Wow, Nintendo seems to be going mini-everything these days. Apparently the size of the Revolution is equivalent to 3 stacked DVD cases, plus a little on the length.

On a slight tangent, has anyone seen the Gameboy Micro? It's pretty much the same thing as the GBA SP, minus the complete redesign that looks more like a NES controller than anything I've ever seen. O_o

With both reveals at the same time, I can only wonder if they're gonna tie the two together. Seems a little weird if they do though, considering DS is the "newer" handheld.

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Wed May 18, 2005 12:12 pm

Iwata-san said in the press conference (for those who watched it) about the Revolution having some kind of OPTIONAL internal device for playing DVD content. My money milking senses are tingling.

Wed May 18, 2005 2:12 pm

The only thing that I was really disappointed about was his comment on how they're working hard to protect international property or however he termed it. I don't see why video game companies don't want people importing games, I mean, it's not like the games are giving out international secrets or anything. And plus, the harder they work to keep people from importing, the harder people will work to make it possible to import, so I don't really see why the game companies work so hard. Also, region free consoles mean bigger sales for the companies, so... I don't get it. =0\

Wed May 18, 2005 3:52 pm

Yoshi wrote:Wow, Nintendo seems to be going mini-everything these days. Apparently the size of the Revolution is equivalent to 3 stacked DVD cases, plus a little on the length.

On a slight tangent, has anyone seen the Gameboy Micro? It's pretty much the same thing as the GBA SP, minus the complete redesign that looks more like a NES controller than anything I've ever seen. O_o

With both reveals at the same time, I can only wonder if they're gonna tie the two together. Seems a little weird if they do though, considering DS is the "newer" handheld.

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Heh, Now that I think about it, it does look like an NES Controller :P ..It did also strike me weird that they would reveal yet another handheld, with the DS making it's debut just not long ago.

Someone's got something up their sleeves on Revolution too, I can see Sony and Microsoft saying "They set us up the bomb". 'Cause really we know Nintendo will blow 'em away with... I dunno :P

Wed May 18, 2005 5:13 pm

The gameboy line and the DS line are completely different. Nintendo is releasing GBM to reinforce that idea.

Wed May 18, 2005 5:29 pm

rbpnmn wrote:The gameboy line and the DS line are completely different. Nintendo is releasing GBM to reinforce that idea.

I realize they're different. I was just trying to point out that yet another hand-held device is in the process again, just smaller.

Fri May 20, 2005 11:15 pm

Really, who needs an even smaller Game Boy Advance, especially since around its release the SP will get much cheaper,

Sat May 21, 2005 9:05 am

I wont buy it...I love my DS :D

Sat May 21, 2005 11:32 am

some1onhere wrote:Really, who needs an even smaller Game Boy Advance, especially since around its release the SP will get much cheaper,

People will buy it because it's easier to carry around (a little, the SP fits into pockets pretty well), and just because it looks cool.
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