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Sun May 07, 2006 7:45 pm

The final secret will be interesting. I hope it blows me away. Maybe more then 4 players or some games or online play information or a new franchise? I wonder...

Well Nintendo have already said that the Wii will have Wi-Fi capabilities, much like the DS, straight out of the box, and it's been rumoured that you'll be able to play Super Smash Bros. Wii online, and with 16 people online too.

I am so looking forward to the Nintendo Conference. I don't have a 360 or a PS, so the Wii's all I'm looking forward to.

Mon May 08, 2006 6:21 am

For those of us that aren't so graced to be able to watch this on television, are there any sites that have live coverage like what will be seen on TV? (I saw something on Gamespot, but I wasn't sure if it's everything I was looking for or if it was just chunks of what everyone else gets, or if it could even be live).

Edit - Nevermind, looks like the Gamespot coverage is fine.

Mon May 08, 2006 11:50 pm

DiscordantNote wrote:Woah, I forgot about Spore. But then again, it's not exactly being kept secret (unless there's something I haven't heard).

They havne't said anything for about 8 weeks now (basically holding off news until E3 so they can get in on the whole E3ness.), so that means prolly playable demos (?) and a release date.

Plus system specs... *shudder*

Tue May 09, 2006 2:01 am

PS3 controller is apparantly similar to the Wiimote, except it doesn't seem as though it does the full 3D.

Congrats Sony, you just made a ripoff of a console that'll sell for hundreds less than yours and still has another trick up its sleeve.

Tue May 09, 2006 2:35 am

Haha, I'm actually glad they did that, now people can't use Nintendo's "OMG UB3R CONTROLLER" as a reason to buy it. now they have to think of another reason since their crutch broke (though it will be the pricetag now)

I just dont get it - first people are like xbox live is so awesome and that sony should work on creating something similar for the playstation and now when they worked hard and actually made something similar for their fans and in some ways and games improving upon the competition,everyone starts yelling crap like sony's a copycat,ripping off others ideas........Hey its doing it for u guys out there- the PS3 is pretty much combines the best features of the XBOX and Wii and then adds the raw power of the CELL and RSX. Why in the heck are you complaining?!

^- that terribly typed post on the Gamespot blog pretty much sums it up. No one can gripe about this "ripping" off because people have been complaining that Sony needs to act like other companies. Yes, it was a cheap shot, but the Wii's marketing point as been terribly shattered (though the commotion is nowhere near distinguished). Also, the technology that both the Wii and the PS3 are utilizing have been used for over 15 years. Yes, it's not really all that new. And all consoles have been copying off of each other ever since the olden years.

Wii + 360 = PS3

Aside from the pricetag, which is freaking outrageous if you don't save your money, the PS3 has the best of both worlds (well, almost the exactly same thing you'd get if you actually mixed the Wii and 360, which is nearly impossible to beat with just one of the single systems), and will probably end up dominating again. Doesn't matter if it's a "rip off" that sells for more, it will sell more and be more successful. The price is the only real turn-off.

Now... to see the Nintendo Show tomorrow. Don't know how much more they can really have up their sleeve. Don't want to sit through the DS junk though. But... I still want to see the Wii, even though I found out that E3 is boring if you aren't there. >_>

Tue May 09, 2006 5:25 pm

Well, I'm watching the Nintendo Pre-E3 Conference, and there's lots of stuff. Once it's over, I'll edit my post to show what I'm writing at CAD over here.

Oh, and the secret about the Controller for Wii is that it has a built-in speaker and a rumble feature.

My Post on CAD wrote:Well, I'm watching the live stream, and it looks fantastic so far.
Edit: It's done. I made this for those people who didn't get to see the conference over the internet.

Nintendo Wii

A speaker in the controller
Built-in Rumble Feature
27 Games available for play at E3 (Not including the Virtual Console games)
Wii Connect 24. It means it doesn't sleep and can stay connected to the internet all the time, and only uses the same amount of energy as a lightbulb in this mode.
Will launch in Q4 of 2006


Super Mario Galaxy
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
Disaster: Day Of Crisis
Hyper Sonic
Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicals
Madden NFL '07
Towny Hawk's Downhill Jam
Spongebob Squarepants
Fire Emblem
SD Gundam G Breaker

Wii Sports
Has lots of sports in it that can be played in multiplayer.
Launch Game

Excite Truck
Controlled by holding the Wiimote

Legend Of Zelda: Twilight Princess on Wii.
Can aim using the Wiimote

Nintendo Game - Project H.A.M.M.E.R.
You swing the controller to hit the bad guys

Red Steel
Set in US and Japan
Enemy actually try to defemd themselves (ie. Take cover when you shoot at them)
If you kill the boss of the grunts, they will act differently.
You can freeze time and tag which points on enemies you want to shoot.

Nintendo DS

New games to include non-gamers (Sudoku)
September 18th - Pokemon Mystery Dungeon
100 New DS Games by end of 2006


Starfox DS
Diddy Kong Racing
Final Fantasy III
Yoshi's Island 2
Towny Hawk's Downhill Jam
Mario Hoops 3 on 3
Elite Beat Agents
Mario vs DK: March Of The Minis


Picks up where WW left off

Tue May 09, 2006 7:04 pm

Zomg Fire Emblem release title?

Tue May 09, 2006 7:24 pm

Omg, I'm so excited >_<. I can't wait for it to come (I just hope I can spend the money of it when it does, though). FF: CC, Super Mario Galaxy and Fire Emblem look soo good!

Tue May 09, 2006 10:28 pm

That's the secret? A little bad considering it doesn't meet the hype, though I may change my mind once I try it. I thought the rumble was obligatory anyway.

Where can I find screenshots of the games they showed? Mario Galaxies sounds intriguing.

Tue May 09, 2006 11:26 pm

Discordant - I don't know about screenshots, but you can find a video of the whole conference here: http://www.gamespot.com/e3/index.html (click Lo-Res Event Stream under Nintendo Press Conference). Some cutscenes (or whatever you call them) are there if you scroll at bit, and there's a long preview of LoZ: Twilight Princess xP. Mario Galaxy looks awesome.

Thu May 11, 2006 2:36 am

ZONG! Super Smash Bros 3 is happening after all. :hug: . And Super Mario Galaxy looks incredable. As does Zelda... and all wii related stuff. :hug:

Then theres Spore. <3 .

Man... I can't wait until all this stuff comes out :D

Thu May 11, 2006 7:59 am

sirclucky wrote:ZONG! Super Smash Bros 3 is happening after all. :hug: . And Super Mario Galaxy looks incredable. As does Zelda... and all wii related stuff. :hug:

Then theres Spore. <3 .

Man... I can't wait until all this stuff comes out :D

omigosh me too!

I'm soooo excited! I can't wait for the Wii, Zelda, SSBB (hehehehe, loving that acronym), Super Mario Galaxy, Spore, FFXIII (and FF versus XIII, omg, only things i'm looking to on the PS3 so far)...

Its just so exciting and awesome! *dances* :D

Thu May 11, 2006 8:26 am

Wii... I dub thee the champions of E3.
I want the system NOW dammit. I've jumped ship from Sony and I'm goin' over to Nintendo... Too hooked.

Nice spiffy release of SSBB (very funny trailer clip I must say ;))

Thu May 11, 2006 11:20 am

OMG! Snake in Super Smash Bros.! THE SNAKE! I never thought I'd buy the Wii, but damn, it looks impressive.

Away from the Wii though, how many people were honestly disappointed by Sony? Other than MGS4, Heavenly Sword, Resistance and FFXIII, there wasn't really anything good worth mentioning. Sony had promised not to do what Microsoft did (i.e. releasing two packages, a core and a premium). And guess what?
20GB Dumbed down PS3 (no removable storage such as Memory Stick, no HDMI output) for $499
60GB *real* PS3 (wid all da trimmins) for $599.
These prices are US, so I'll be paying a freaking premium if I ever buy this thing here in Aus.

Microsoft is just meh. Halo 3 was cool, so was Gears of War. Otherwise, nothing else really interests me enough.

Thu May 11, 2006 6:49 pm

Now THAT is what I call a game.

And people were saying there was no 3rd Party Support.
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