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Wed Oct 20, 2004 10:22 pm

I must have that game soon or I become even more obsessed.... that game is looking so cool right now, i hope it has 2 disks...then it would be even cooler.. if that is even possible *eye starts twitching*

Fri Oct 22, 2004 11:40 pm

Are they calling this Wind Waker 2? I heard somewhere that they were.

I think that gems like Wind Waker will be better than photo-realistic junk any day.


Sat Oct 23, 2004 12:16 am

Fishblade_Bluestream wrote:Are they calling this Wind Waker 2? I heard somewhere that they were.

I think that gems like Wind Waker will be better than photo-realistic junk any day.

No. That was just Nintendo trying to be secretive again. They wanted you to think they were making a sequel to Wind Waker and then
BAM! They hit you with a realistic Zelda game. :o
Nintendo is just very secretive about things.

Sat Oct 23, 2004 12:16 am

Fishblade_Bluestream wrote:Are they calling this Wind Waker 2? I heard somewhere that they were.

I think that gems like Wind Waker will be better than photo-realistic junk any day.

Wind Waker 2... hrm... they haven't used any numbers in all the LOZ titles I've ever seen. Not that it matters, lol. I thought it would be called something like "The Return of the Hero" or the revenge of something... or at least that's what the Quicktime footage hints...

optimus_87_ca wrote:They wanted you to think they were making a sequel to Wind Waker and then
BAM! They hit you with a realistic Zelda game. :o
Nintendo is just very secretive about things.

Heh, yeah that was a new one. The first time I looked at the site for the new game, I'm all like, "Holey crap... This doesn't look like cell shading..." and then I literally went to one of my friends and complained about it for an hour. But I've learned to like the new graphical stylings. I actually really like the style. Aquired taste, I guess you might say.
Last edited by Neowuvr on Sat Oct 23, 2004 12:21 am, edited 1 time in total.


Sat Oct 23, 2004 12:21 am

Oh yeah. Thanks for the reminder. I haven't actually watched that video yet. :cry:
I'll go download it now.

Sun Nov 28, 2004 5:12 am

I want this new Zelda game so bad...

Sun Nov 28, 2004 1:55 pm

It's the game I've been waiting for most besides Kingdom Hearts 2. :D

I admit I was also very dissappointed when Nintendo dropped the more realistic Link for the cel-shaded one. But in the end, I was still drooling over the game. Basically it was Link's variety of facial expressions and the kicked up dust/smoke that did me in (yeah so I get worked up over small details).

If the movies are any indication, I'm going to need a mop and a few buckets when this one comes out. My sister is going to need a bucket too if there are going to be battle scenes on horeback (she's a big Epona fan). :)

Sun Nov 28, 2004 4:11 pm

yeah riding the horses is fun i still play OOT from the zelda bonus disk :D,two disk would be nice and worth the 50 bucks unlike cough zelda the four swords... :x
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