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Thu May 11, 2006 7:23 pm

I havn't paid much attention to Sony/Microsoft... Im just aware both of them have been rather ho-hum while the Wii seemed to build up steam allthroughout E3. Now if only they would give us a release date/final price :D .
And yeah, PS3 is like uber expensive. I could probably get one Wii and at least a half dosen brand new games to go with it for less than even the cheeper PS3 :evil:

Thu May 11, 2006 7:41 pm

sirclucky wrote:I havn't paid much attention to Sony/Microsoft... Im just aware both of them have been rather ho-hum while the Wii seemed to build up steam allthroughout E3. Now if only they would give us a release date/final price :D .
And yeah, PS3 is like uber expensive. I could probably get one Wii and at least a half dosen brand new games to go with it for less than even the cheeper PS3 :evil:

"Hmmm. What will I get? The PS3 that's super expensive, or use that money to buy the Wii and about a gazillion games and get to enjoy smashing Pikachu's skull in with Solid Snake and using an angel to hurt Mario a lot?"

Hard choice, no?

Thu May 11, 2006 11:16 pm

Ixistant wrote:
sirclucky wrote:I havn't paid much attention to Sony/Microsoft... Im just aware both of them have been rather ho-hum while the Wii seemed to build up steam allthroughout E3. Now if only they would give us a release date/final price :D .
And yeah, PS3 is like uber expensive. I could probably get one Wii and at least a half dosen brand new games to go with it for less than even the cheeper PS3 :evil:

"Hmmm. What will I get? The PS3 that's super expensive, or use that money to buy the Wii and about a gazillion games and get to enjoy smashing Pikachu's skull in with Solid Snake and using an angel to hurt Mario a lot?"

Hard choice, no?

Very. Baha.
*hopes FF jumps back to nintendo*... Frikkin sony. *shakes head*

Fri May 12, 2006 3:24 pm

Well, it looks like Microsoft is trying to get comfy with Nintendo.

Microsoft VP Peter Moore said during an interview yesterday: "Tell me why you would buy a $600 PS3. People are going to buy two [machines]. They're going to buy an Xbox and they're going to buy a Wii... for the price of one PS3."

Sony is really taking a lot of hits this year.

Fri May 12, 2006 6:53 pm

I began hyperventilating when I heard how much the PS3 was gonna be.

Now, if I'm hearing this right, the Wii is going to be pretty cheap, right? I heard on TMW that Nintendo was trying to make a cheap gaming experience.

The Wii looks rather interesting. Which makes since, since it has a pretty interesting name.
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