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Wed Dec 01, 2004 8:39 pm

Chiririn wrote:
rbpnmn wrote:You can play GBA games but not GB or GB Color games on it. You cannot do multiplayer GBA games because there is no link cable port. You can choose which screen you play the gba games on.

that's not true. at least you gotta show us proof first b4 you tell us and besides no one tried it yet also with GCN.

Ahem. I own one. There is no port for a GCN-GBA cable of a GBA link cable. I swear that I am not lying.


Thu Dec 02, 2004 1:55 am

As far as I know rbpnmn is telling the truth.
However there is apparently a strange port that no one can figure out.

Thu Dec 02, 2004 2:04 am

rbpnmn, does it have a charger with it?

Thu Dec 02, 2004 2:18 am

Jahbal wrote:rbpnmn, does it have a charger with it?

Yup. And i am not quite sure about the "mystery port". I have heard rumours of an external microphone but it's probably not true.

Thu Dec 02, 2004 2:43 am

Why would you need an external mic? Isn't there one built in? lol

EDIT: Yup, looks like a possibility, although I've read that its got some iToy-like camera with it.

Thu Dec 02, 2004 5:44 am

excuse me, but i have a question

how can you play a GBA game? (only 1 person can answer this question)

Thu Dec 02, 2004 5:13 pm

there are 2 slots on the DS, one for DS games, one for GBA games. They also might use the GBA port as an expansion port so if they need to add something to the DS, you could just plug it into the GBA port.

EDIT: Yes, there is a Mic built in already but it isn't like one you hold in your hand. There is just a little slit in the DS that you speak into. And I didn't say that it WAS for an external mic, just a possibility.

Edit 2: Sorry for the low quality but it was all I could manage,




DS card VS GBA cart


Is that enough proof that I own one?

Thu Dec 02, 2004 11:21 pm

Wow! The DS cartridges are small! :o

Fri Dec 03, 2004 1:51 am

rbpnmn wrote:Is that enough proof that I own one?

Um...send it to me :P

Fri Dec 03, 2004 2:30 am

Things i am desperately hoping will come out

A Pokemon game with better graphics, sound, has the pokemon actually attack, has more innovation, etc.

More updated versions of N64 games.

Lots of games that really take advantage of the touchscreen

and online play for the Revolution...i know thats not the DS, but really!

Fri Dec 03, 2004 4:23 pm

some1onhere wrote:Things i am desperately hoping will come out

A Pokemon game with better graphics, sound, has the pokemon actually attack, has more innovation, etc.

More updated versions of N64 games.

Lots of games that really take advantage of the touchscreen

and online play for the Revolution...i know thats not the DS, but really!

Well, they are planning a pokemon game for the DS and they are planning online play for the DS in the future so you might get your wish for the DS instead of the revolution.

Fri Dec 03, 2004 11:13 pm

Yes, they are planning a Pokemon game.. But isn't it Pokemon Dash!? Its racing. o_O

Sat Dec 04, 2004 7:37 am

Jahbal wrote:Yes, they are planning a Pokemon game.. But isn't it Pokemon Dash!? Its racing. o_O

yep! it's pokemon dash alright. i've seen it in serebii website with pictures and everything also pokemon diamond and pearl versions.

Sat Dec 04, 2004 4:03 pm

Chiririn wrote:
Jahbal wrote:Yes, they are planning a Pokemon game.. But isn't it Pokemon Dash!? Its racing. o_O

yep! it's pokemon dash alright. i've seen it in serebii website with pictures and everything also pokemon diamond and pearl versions.

Yes, 3 pokemon games will be coming out for the DS. Pokemon Dash, a racing game (it will probably stink) and pokemon Diamond and Pearl *prays that they are MMORPG's*.

Sat Dec 04, 2004 5:57 pm

Ohh, I see. I've havn't heard of Diamond and Pearl yet. (Wow, they must be really struggling for names :P)
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