PC, X-Box, Playstation 2, Gamecube and so on. Hints, tips and discussion here.
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Wed Sep 07, 2005 3:36 pm

It depends on your what you're calling superior. Either way, I don't think anything will always be superior.

I mean "superior".
2. Of a higher nature or kind.

It will always be superior to consoles because consoles only get an update (a new console) every few years. At that point it will probably be better than quite a few outdated computers. Whereas computers are updated constantly, and if you are up to date, you will be superior to the console.

Superior game-wise is a matter of taste.

Wed Sep 07, 2005 7:28 pm

Stijn argues it perfectly. The ps2 was superior than a lot of computers when it was released. Now.... no one could ever say that. The ps3 might wow people for a bit, but every day PCs are evolving, and there is simply no way they'll ever not be superior, because of their nature.

Thu Sep 08, 2005 12:59 am

I don't deny that they are superior at the moment and even very far into the future, but all that has to be done to change that is create consoles that can upgrade like computers, and to be blunt, we're not far away from that. As if they aren't getting closer and closer to it every generation, newer console players and some of the online fanbase are trying to change them into computers as it is.

Either way, stemming off of what I've already said, if you use the word "never" or "always", you're most likely incorrect.

Thu Sep 08, 2005 10:16 am

Yea but how about contrasting cost?

A computer which would have the same power as a xbox 360 would cost several thousand dollars, whilst the xbox360 is only 400 dollars!

(my prices are kinda of australian, so dont stab me if i say some horrid number okay?)

A top of the range computer, for me, would be around $3000 - $3500, from scratch. $4000 for an alienware computer. If i wanted to upgrade my current computer to play all games at top graphics and played as they are meant to be, i'd still have to spend around $2000 to get what I want to be able to play wonderful new games.

Xbox 360 on the otherhand, $400 to play games far better than anything i could play at full graphics options on my computer, and its a closed system so I dont have to worry about games getting buggy and screwing up. I just stick the cd in, and play!

Computers being superior wont always apply to all people, especially those who have a budget ^_^

So could i say consoles are superior -money & gaming- wise?

Wed Nov 23, 2005 6:51 am

wow no1 has posted since sept 7th -.-

Two 360s taken in Virginia armed robbery
Consoles taken at gunpoint just hours ago; thief apprehended, consoles recovered.

A Stafford, Virginia, Electronics Boutique store was the scene of an armed robbery this morning. According to sources, the perpetrator made off with two Xbox 360 systems, forcing the store manager to hand them over at gunpoint.

Sources tell GameSpot the local police responded quickly, cordoned off the store, and immediately pursued the thief. The thief was apprehended shortly afterward.

Because the police consider the heist an ongoing criminal investigation, store employees were reluctant to discuss details of the robbery. But as of press time, the store is open, and all systems are back to normal.

"We're all fine, and everything is cool," a store staffer told GameSpot.

thought some1 will read that xD

Wed Nov 23, 2005 9:08 am

Lovio wrote:
Twisted Sanity wrote:The name was originally gonna be Xbox 2, but Marketing didn't like that, mostly because once PS3 came out, it'd make the Xbox 2 seem inferior, just because of the numbers.

PS3 will pwn the 360 though. All the way.

It will? Well, Twisted, it depends on the style of controls you are familiar with. Xbox did pwn PS2 for one reason: For the PS2, you have to buy Memory Cards to save your games. In the Xbox, there was a hard drive which you could store your games, and save them without a memory card!

Though the PS2 has games like Final Fantasy X, Xbox has games like Halo and Halo2. As you have may seen, Xbox has won many of the GOTYs. (Game of the Years) So, as you see, Microsoft and Sony are rival vs rival, noone actually winning. From what I see, 360 will pwn in Graphics, yet the PS2 will pwn in Gameplay.

We never know, the Video Game Industry is changing every year. And this is all said without including the Nintendo codename "Revolution".

If you say PS3 will pwn, you're right.

If you say 360 will pwn, you're right.

Just my opinion, but 360 will pwn.

Get both, and try it for your self. I'm doing that.

On a side note, I think the Xbox controls are easier to handle. What is your "style"?

If I recall PS3 will have better graphics than the 360! but the 360 will have much more memory and bandwith than the PS3! :D
Still like many people have said, PS3 will have really good games, for example Insomniac might make a new Ratchet game for PS3!
Halo and stuff like that aren't that good, well for me considering it's an R16 game which is too overrated in my opinion, at least Ratchet & Clank has third-person, and first-person viewing, unlike Halo! :roll:

Wed Nov 23, 2005 9:34 am

I never really got into the Halo game. For me, the best FPS was Half Life

Wed Nov 23, 2005 4:37 pm

I like the PS2 control, I hope the new ones aren't too complicated, but I agree, I'm getting Destroy All Humans soon :P its fun...

Wed Nov 23, 2005 4:56 pm

I got the 360 yesterday and it is awesome! I got Perfect Dark Zero and the AI is amazing. I think if any of you have a chance to pick up a 360 you should.
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