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Re: Maple Story (After a much needed Split!)

Sun Jun 17, 2007 9:52 pm

And if you're thinking :roll:
"Randomangos? Oo WHO IN THE WORLD THOUGHT OF THAT?! It musta been crazy Syrill."
You would be wrong :O

:P But I won't tell you who came up with the name so you can ponder ;)

So yes, PPT'ers and Randomnessers on Bera can now congregate in the Randomangos guild...well...three more of you anyways :P

Re: Maple Story (After a much needed Split!)

Mon Jun 18, 2007 2:07 am

*runs around in speedos, stalking an innocent Syrill*
Bwhaha, if you ask me, they're rather sexy. I don't see why you object. They're cheap and versatile, and rather comfy of that! Mmm. Speedos.

In other news, I updated the front! Yay! I could update it further, actually. Maybe tomorrow. I got to level 75 yesterday. Also, if anyone hasn't yet, check out the latest GM blog!

*posts it anyway*

Hey everyone!

It's been busy the past few months over here, and while we're happy overall, there is still much work to be done.

So, the Global exclusive area. No, we haven't forgotten about it, quite the contrary. We've been working on it for a long time...and if you'll indulge me for a moment, I'll explain.

The Global community is huge. And because it is so large, that means diversity--we have people playing from Los Angeles to New York to London to Paris to Rome to Tel Aviv. How could we go about creating an area that everyone can enjoy and resonate with?

A city. Not just any city. A city where the past meets the present meets the future. A city that holds many, many secrets; and is the beginning of something new.

Or, as we like to call it, New Leaf City.

Stay tuned for details, but for the time being, we look forward to seeing your reactions. We're being mum on a date, but it's coming...sooner than you think.

Been a great year so far, and it's only going to get better. So, we'd like to ask you: What's been your favorite area or thing to do so far this year?

Thanks for Playing, and keep your eyes peeled, you never know what else we have up our sleeve...

- Stoveboy -

Re: Maple Story (After a much needed Split!)

Mon Jun 18, 2007 4:01 am

Tom, if you feel like updating the first post a little bit more, I'm now an F/P Wizard <3

Re: Maple Story (After a much needed Split!)

Mon Jun 18, 2007 3:03 pm

That was odd. I updated yours and Combusken's details. At least, I typed them out. Perhaps I forgot to submit and closed the window.

Re: Maple Story (After a much needed Split!)

Mon Jun 18, 2007 5:47 pm

So, I have this Maple Helmet (lvl 70) that I have no idea what to do with and probably will never use. I would like a Maple Bow item. . . is there any way to do an exchange? I know we can't trade maple items and I have no idea how to sell it to someone.

Re: Maple Story (After a much needed Split!)

Mon Jun 18, 2007 9:19 pm

You just can't trade the helmets ;)

Anything else is fair game

Re: Maple Story (After a much needed Split!)

Mon Jun 18, 2007 10:18 pm

So we are going to get an exclusive area. :roll:
Hmm, this month, the next, or the one after that ...
*ponder, hope*

Re: Maple Story (After a much needed Split!)

Mon Jun 18, 2007 10:46 pm

Weird, there's so many of you in Bera and the other underpopulated servers of MapleGlobal :P . Almost the entirety of the IDB is in Scania, with the exception of SCalibur, who is VanHelsing of Bera. We even have a Scanian IDB guild, TeamIDB, that has 33 people in it right now.

My character is Kerrigor, level 105 Ice/Lightning Mage, in Scania.

Re: Maple Story (After a much needed Split!)

Mon Jun 18, 2007 11:06 pm

:P Well, Khristian started off on Bera, so naturally I joined him. As time went on, I got bored with only few friends to play with (mainly Kalani), so converted people to Bera. They recruit their friends, and it's a tasty circle. I was active on PPT earlier than IDB, thus why I joined here, but I'm pretty happy that I did so. Maple on IDB is pretty dead these days, is it not? People always complain of being lonely, anyway. We have a small, legit group of friends, but I like it like that.

Re: Maple Story (After a much needed Split!)

Tue Jun 19, 2007 1:50 am

I'm in Windia just because it sounded good. . . what are the differences between servers? New? Old? Crowded?

Re: Maple Story (After a much needed Split!)

Tue Jun 19, 2007 2:40 am

Scania and Bera are the oldest, and generally have the more stable economies, but more crowded maps. Newer servers, like Bellocan and Mardia, have fewer players but more erratic economies. When I started playing, Bera was the newest server (heh, it's actually been around since Maple was officially released). Nothing can happen between servers, the biggest problem being communication. If someone is in Broa with their level 53 bandit, they can't talk to their friend's 21 magician in Khaini. To compare them with something... they're like... the forum? Each board has individual different posts, but then again, each board is the same, in a way. Haha. That's really not a great explanation. But yeah!

Re: Maple Story (After a much needed Split!)

Tue Jun 19, 2007 4:40 am

Pixa wrote:it's a tasty circle.

:O I told May you were just trying to eat us...

In other news, I got Icarus Cape 3 :D
WHEEE *jumps around like a maniac*

And I present you with these screenies:
The guild is formed :D
May becomes more powerful than Syrill
Heal is SO unstable :P [My heal is at fifteen though so that's partly to blame :P]
Children beware! Tom's evil speedos are here :O [Mods can deem if the speedos are too evil to be posted here :) and remove it at will [The picture isn't actually completely horrid...but I despise speedos]]

Re: Maple Story (After a much needed Split!)

Tue Jun 19, 2007 6:20 pm

mercurius wrote:I'm in Windia just because it sounded good. . . what are the differences between servers? New? Old? Crowded?

So I'm not the only one here that's in Windia after all?
Huzzah. :roll:

Re: Maple Story (After a much needed Split!)

Wed Jun 20, 2007 2:13 am

Xerophyte wrote:
mercurius wrote:I'm in Windia just because it sounded good. . . what are the differences between servers? New? Old? Crowded?

So I'm not the only one here that's in Windia after all?
Huzzah. :roll:

:D Yay Xerophyte is not alone anymore...She's <3ed too :D
:P I snuck onto Windia a couple times but you were never on :O

Re: Maple Story (After a much needed Split!)

Wed Jun 20, 2007 2:25 am

yay for a while i felt a little out of place. yeah, my character's name is Lynnore - a level 20 archer. i've been playing for a while now and i still feel like a New Member. Am I right in saying the only way for one to set up shop in the free market is to buy something from the cash shop? Or is there another way?

edit: is there a list anywhere of the event quests? the only one I know of is Cody's BBQ quest.

edit #2: Pixa, if you would like, you can add me to the running list, I have three characters in Windia, my main being Lynnore, but I also have Fayrenn and Kettara.
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