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O_O The Legend of Zelda (Working Title)

Sun Feb 06, 2005 11:27 pm

Click here. NOW.

This is possibly the best-looking game for the GameCube, and they don't even have a title for it yet... If this game turns out anything like Ocarina of Time, it will be one of the greatest games of all time. The trailer's just a minute long, and yet I find myself watching it again... And again...

Re: O_O The Legend of Zelda (Working Title)

Sun Feb 06, 2005 11:30 pm

OmniIcyshelf wrote: The trailer's just a minute long, and yet I find myself watching it again... And again...

Join the club.

Mon Feb 07, 2005 1:24 am

The trailer looks so LOTR-ish but looks really good. I personally loved the N64 Zelda.=D

Mon Feb 07, 2005 1:59 am

i saw this at last years E3 (okay, i didnt, but ive seen it streamed from that in NOM uk)
the first zelda game i simply will buy.
if only to lay waste to the magma daemon.
and lizard folk!!11!!
there better be one called tlazcotl.

Mon Feb 07, 2005 2:48 am

Blk Mage wrote:The trailer looks so LOTR-ish but looks really good. I personally loved the N64 Zelda.=D

I can just see Link saying "YOU... SHALL NOT... PASS!"

Mon Feb 07, 2005 3:01 pm

OmniIcyshelf wrote:
Blk Mage wrote:The trailer looks so LOTR-ish but looks really good. I personally loved the N64 Zelda.=D

I can just see Link saying "YOU... SHALL NOT... PASS!"

haha. "One does not simply walk into....Hyrule..."

I honestly can't wait. I'm not a hardcore gamer but I <3<3<3<3 zelda - I *still* play the n64 ones, even though I've never beat OoT. I've finished Majora's Mask though. My favorite part of the game is Epona :D

Mon Feb 07, 2005 7:47 pm

Hey not fair, if anyone going to be talking about zelda games it should be me, lol.

O well I agree, I can't watching the trailer my self, but I wish they left the onlder one, the one I first saw. The music fit what was happing in the game better, but o well. This game is my must own at all cost list.

Tue Feb 08, 2005 12:08 am

*blushes* I have actually only played Zelda once. And all I remember is the fairy. :{ If they had it for PS2 I would definetley try it out. Or if I owned a GameCube. It does look cool though. I've always wanted to try Zelda! :(

Tue Feb 08, 2005 6:12 pm

AFI_Sorrow wrote:*blushes* I have actually only played Zelda once. And all I remember is the fairy. :{ If they had it for PS2 I would definetley try it out. Or if I owned a GameCube. It does look cool though. I've always wanted to try Zelda! :(

Then go pick one up for 100 bucks and get Mario kart with it free. Then you got, Metroid Prime, Metroid Prime 2, Pikmin, Pikmin 2, Mario Power Tennis, Super Smash Bros Melee (the greatest multiplayer game EVER!), Tales of Symphonia, Paper Mario, Zelda: The Wind Waker, Animal Crossing, Mario Golf, Soul Calibur II, and last but not least RESIDENT EVIL 4 to hold you over until the new Zelda. How could you resist all that?

Tue Feb 08, 2005 6:58 pm

rbpnmn wrote:
AFI_Sorrow wrote:*blushes* I have actually only played Zelda once. And all I remember is the fairy. :{ If they had it for PS2 I would definetley try it out. Or if I owned a GameCube. It does look cool though. I've always wanted to try Zelda! :(

Then go pick one up for 100 bucks and get Mario kart with it free. Then you got, Metroid Prime, Metroid Prime 2, Pikmin, Pikmin 2, Mario Power Tennis, Super Smash Bros Melee (the greatest multiplayer game EVER!), Tales of Symphonia, Paper Mario, Zelda: The Wind Waker, Animal Crossing, Mario Golf, Soul Calibur II, and last but not least RESIDENT EVIL 4 to hold you over until the new Zelda. How could you resist all that?

I agree with this person, and also we need more people to be playing nintendo. The other 2 systems are starting to think they are better when they are clearly not. Also SSB:M is the greatest, as I have yet to ever lose a single battle played fairly.

Wed Feb 09, 2005 3:22 am

Link is such a hunk. . .. :oops:

This game is sure taking it's time to arrive. :x

Wed Feb 09, 2005 6:22 am

I'm looking foward to this one sooo much.

That and Kingdom Hearts II.

Already you can put the game on reserve (I work at a Game Stop) despite the lack of title and release date. But I havn't seen an entry in the database for KHII yet and that's supposed to come out in October.

I admit I was a little dissappointed when I first saw the cel-shaded Wind Waker screenshots, especially after that great realistic movie sequence between Link and Ganondorf. The WW animation grew on me though. Now I can say I'm even impressed with it despite the cartoon look.

But I'm glad they are giving the GameCube and more realistic looking Zelda game. I think the graphics and animation in this film blow that old pre-WW fight scene out of the water. I'm amazed at how much better it looks and I'm really excited to for it to be released.

My sister loves OoT and MM because of Epona and she misses the horse in Wind Waker. She was ecstatic to see horses again in this movie. :)

Wed Feb 09, 2005 2:46 pm

I am all over this game allready. I am such a Zelda fanatic it's not even funny. *currently tryign to make a zelda theme music ringtone.*

Wed Feb 09, 2005 2:59 pm

Cyanna wrote:My sister loves OoT and MM because of Epona and she misses the horse in Wind Waker. She was ecstatic to see horses again in this movie. :)

:oops: *raises hand* me too.

I was soooo mad when I found out that WW didn't have Epona in it. I was like "WHAT? You get a stupid BOAT?" and therefore, my uncle played the game and I didn't. Well, I played a little, but mostly it was his game. And I wait patiently for the next one, where hopefully you can do things other than shoot arrows on Epona. *bounces around*

Thu Feb 10, 2005 3:42 pm

Eidolon wrote:
Cyanna wrote:My sister loves OoT and MM because of Epona and she misses the horse in Wind Waker. She was ecstatic to see horses again in this movie. :)

:oops: *raises hand* me too.

I was soooo mad when I found out that WW didn't have Epona in it. I was like "WHAT? You get a stupid BOAT?" and therefore, my uncle played the game and I didn't. Well, I played a little, but mostly it was his game. And I wait patiently for the next one, where hopefully you can do things other than shoot arrows on Epona. *bounces around*

I have to say that there are no bad zelda games. I don't think he can make a bad zelda game if he tried, lol.

In the trailer for the game they show link striking enemy down with his sword on his horse.
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