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Gameboy Micro

Tue May 17, 2005 5:48 pm

The sporty, silver metal Game Boy Micro measures a mere 4 inches wide, 2 inches tall and 0.7 inches deep, allowing it to sit comfortably alongside today’s hippest technological gadgets. It weighs an astonishing 2.8 ounces, or about the weight of 80 paper clips. Yet Game Boy Micro has the same processing power and plays the same games as Game Boy Advance SP models, complete with standard face controls and gleaming shoulder and Start/Select buttons that literally shine.

Gameboy Micro

Source: Nintendo.com

I guess it can get, smaller.. hehe, shirt-pocket size. :P

Tue May 17, 2005 7:40 pm

*whistles* Wow. I don't think it would be comfortable for my hands, but it's mifty.

Tue May 17, 2005 8:32 pm

It looks awesome, but it might strain your eyes looking at such a tiny screen
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